You gulp nervously and your mind races with the good and the bad of this revelation. You want Shelly’s feet as much as you can have them, but it is intimidating to think about making your whole life about serving her. For that reason you hesitate a moment, tempted to object or bargain with your girlfriend. But a rush of dread washes over you as you consider the punishment you would face for any kind of disobedience, especially here in front of Mistress Powers.
“Yes Shelly, of course my dear.” You reply submissively.
Miss Powers chimes in, “Very good Johnny, one last thing before you go. I may be the Mistress but from now on, Shelly is your own personal Foot Goddess, and you will refer to her as such.” She nonchalantly walks over and clutches your package in her hand, giving your balls a squeeze that reminds you of her control. “I look forward to playing with you again soon.”
With that, Shelly and Jill exchange pleasantries and Jill orders you to drive her home. She gives you her keys, meaning you must leave your own car there. On the way home, she puts her cummy sock feet up on the dashboard, distracting you mightily. It’s not a long drive, but apparently long enough for you to get a boner thinking about your slippery seed between her toes. She notices your hard on and giggles at it, saying, “Maybe some day you’ll earn yourself a footjob while driving, but not tonight champ.”
You soon arrive back at Shelly’s house and follow her inside. As you enter, she calls out, “Mom! Kelsey! Johnny is going to be spending a lot more time around here from now on!” The two of them happen to be in the kitchen, looking at something on Kelsey’s laptop. You and Shelly have to pass through there to get up to her room, and as you do she adds, “And yes, you may use him when I’m not.” Your face immediately goes like a deer in headlights, and both Kelsey and their mom Brandi immediately gaze at you with desirous eyes.
Kelsey is in casual pajamas, a long sleeve t shirt and fleecy jogger pants. It’s obvious she’s not wearing a bra. Brandi looks altogether different, wearing a luxurious lacy nightgown and silk robe hanging open over top of it. You can’t see either of their feet from where you walk, leaving your mind to wonder. You imagine Brandi in dark pantyhose and high heels, though you know that is almost certainly not the case at this time of night. When you look up, she has a sultry grin and is lightly biting one finger. Her mind must be racing with all the ways she could dominate you.
Shelly’s voice rings out from the foyer ahead of you, “Not tonight though you two! I’m going to bed. Come on, footboy!” You wince at being called that for the first time, and yet it immediately makes you turn from Shelly’s lusty family members to follow your goddess up the stairs.
When you get to her room, she closes and locks the door behind you, meaning you couldn’t leave in the middle of the night even if you wanted to. Her bedroom is large, just like the rest of the house, and it is exquisitely decorated with elegant white wood furniture. The center of the room is dominated by a big canopy bed. All in all the feel of it is like a very grown up version of a girl’s princess themed bedroom. On one side, doors to the bathroom and huge walk-in closet stand side by side.
Shelly walks toward the bathroom and issues orders as she does: “Undress. Completely. And get yourself familiar with the sock section in my closet.”
Still feeling a little embarrassed to be bossed around and naked while she isn’t, you blush as you pull off your clothes. You realize this is almost like a cruel antithesis of Miss Powers’ offer for you to explore her closet earlier. You enter the door and the lights come on automatically. At the far end of the huge closet is a small platform supporting a 3-way angled mirror similar to those found in dressing rooms and tailor's shops. Closet rods along either wall held up more outfits than you could count, and just to your left inside the door were some shelves above a set of five wide, shallow drawers. Any sock section that is supposed to be here isn’t immediately obvious to you, and your own naked reflection in the mirror instead catches your attention. This only reminds you of your role and why you are here though, so you shake your head and kneel to start opening the drawers.
As you come closer and open them, you found yourself looking at row after row of neatly folded socks. Some drawers are full of bright solid colors, arranged in rainbow order, others have striped socks or exclusively ones with patterns. The organization is almost unbelievable, with countless pairs varying from over the knee length to no-show half-socks and everything in between. Thin nylons, thick boot socks, toesocks, two whole drawers of fuzzy ones; the variety is greater than you even knew existed. Only after several minutes of surveying each pair do you notice that the shelves above hold Shelly’s shoes and slippers. From heels to gym shoes, clogs to flip flops, boots to flats, it seems she has it all.
You start to glance around for a laundry basket like the Mistress’ one you enjoyed, but you can’t immediately find one. It’s then that you hear her call out another instruction, and your mind refocuses on obeying.
“Bring my white fuzzy slippers!” She commands over the sound of running water.
“Yes goddess!” You reply, your eyes scanning the shelf with 4 pairs of slippers. The ones she has asked for are an open toe design, with two criss-crossing fuzzy straps across the top of the foot on either one. They’re almost more like sandal slippers. Regardless, you grab them and walk to the bathroom.
Your goddess girlfriend stands in front of the mirror, a towel wrapped around her torso as she brushes her wet hair. She must have taken a shower while you were getting acquainted with her closet. You have mixed feelings when you look down and realize this involved washing your cum off of her feet. On one hand you’re glad that you can’t have the smell of your own ejaculate shoved in your face on her feet. But on the other hand, it was incredibly hot knowing your seed was slipping around against her skin for so long. And she had said something about it moisturizing her feet as well, hadn’t she?
You shake your head of these thoughts as she turns to look at you expectantly and asks sarcastically, “Are you going to put them on??”
“Yes Shelly, of course my goddess.” As you kneel in the nude and offer each slipper for her to place her feet into, you can’t help but feel like Prince Charming returning Cinderella’s glass slipper. For a moment you look up at her with a smile, but are quickly reminded of your actual position.
Shelly looks down at you with little more than a glare, dryly stating, “You will sleep at the foot of my bed, as close to my toes as you can be.”
Your expression turns confused, asking, “I can’t sleep like a normal person in a bed?”
Shelly gets visibly annoyed, and steps forward with her slipper to press your cock down against the cold hard ceramic tile floor. She doesn’t crush it, but immediately elicits a response of horror for you. You try to pull yourself away, but that only puts even more strain on your painful penis. She shakes her head and says, “Why the FUCK would you question something I tell you is going to happen? Did you forget who’s in control here? I thought I was being incredibly generous by even allowing you in my bed at all. And especially at my feet?? You haven’t dreamed of sleeping with my feet on your face or wrapped around your cock before?”
Immediately regretting your question and wanting her to free you from the cold painful floor, you relent, bowing down to kiss the exposed toes of her other foot, and pleading, “I’m sorry Shelly, it was just a stupid gut reaction! It would be my honor to sleep at your feet! I’ll suck your toes to wake you if you say so! I’ll do anything just please let me go!”
She rolls her eyes, disappointed, but does step away from crushing your cock. “I would say you should think before you speak, but I also expect you not to hesitate when I issue orders, so I suppose what you really need is an attitude adjustment.” As her foot comes back to rest beneath her, you switch to kissing the toes on that foot. Right away though, she lifts the foot to push away your head and steps around you, walking out of the bathroom and into the closet.
You follow, still crawling, and wait there as she drops the towel and pulls on a silky nightgown. “Put the towel back on the rack and then come to bed.”