"Cream!" Amy cried out at the rabbit girl, who'd been knocked back by the collision.
"Oh, Hello Amy!" Cream smiled, "I'm sorry about this, I was just..."
Cream trailed off, face becoming flushed.
"Cream?" Amy asked, "Are you alright...?"
"Ah, I feel feverish all of the sudden..." Cream muttered, hand going to her forehead, "Amy, um... Wow... You look really pretty today...."
"Thank you?" Amy raised an eyebrow, sitting up on her knees. Cream began to look at Amy with a dreamy smile on her face.
"Like, really really pretty..." Cream continued, a blush spreading across her face. Her dress started to look a little small on her. Puberty had been kind to Cream, giving her an attractive face when she turned 18, but she had never had much in terms of curves. Or at least, not before today. Cream got to her knees, crawling towards Amy. As she did, her breasts hung lower off her body, and her rear stuck out more and more. Her eyes turned a bright pink.
"Cream, what's happening to you!?" Amy cried as her friend's body swelled before her eyes. Even worse, was how Amy found this slightly arousing.
Suddenly, Cream pounced forward, pinning Amy to the ground. She eyed the hedgehog hungrily, as her chest began to press against hers. This close up, Amy could see how Cream's lips became plumper, eyelashes longer, and hair more luxurious.
"I'm sooo sorry! You're just, like, totally adorbs!" Cream giggled, "I think I'm in love with you..."
Just then...