Chloe looks down, smiles at him and as he smiles back up at her, and she raises her huge foot up, slamming it down on him, squashing the tiny teenage boy like a grape. “Weakness and sympathy are things she will not tolerate in herself,” the giantess says angrily.
However, her foot slamming down hard has the effect of a 2.9 earthquake two miles around her, which causes concerned Gullivarian’s to call their local police force. Thinking it was just a simple Earthquake; a police car is sent over to the affected area. The black and white patrol car drives around slowly. Inside the car, two police officers, a young 25-year-old African man who looks like a male model, and a young 24-year-old Asian female that looks like a female model are cautiously looking for any damage. Frank and Sara were teamed up a year ago, and six months ago, they began to date, which naturally turned sexual. Even thou their relationship broke most of the rules, they did not care, and they are in love, a love that is soon to be tested.
As the patrol car slowly drives around in the darkness, Frank suddenly slams on the brakes with a look of horror on his clean-shaven face, jerking the two officers forward. Suddenly, they scream when they see a giant hand engulfing their toy size car. Frank tries to use his radio, but before he can use it, their car’s roof, along with the antenna is ripped off. The stunned tiny officers are quickly removed from the car, and end up on a giantesses hand. As the giant woman throws the toy car into the nearby sea, the two officers draw their tiny sidearm’s, and say with tiny, mouse like, soft voices, “Freeze, you’re under arrest for violation of several treaties.”
Chloe just laughed, at her size those tiny weapons would not be felt, much less harm her in anyway. They fire on her, but Chloe just grins. Chloe reaches over, knocks their weapons away from them with her pinky, and orders them both to undress or die. The two terrified officers reluctantly do as they are told, and undress. A minute later, they are both completely naked, standing in the palm off her huge fleshy hand, attempting to hide their tiny privates from her huge hungry eyes. She smiles at them both thinking, “what excellent specimens she has.” She takes her huge pinky, and gently flicks their tiny clothes from her hand leaving the tiny couple with nothing to wear. She thought about swallowing them both, but she remembers she has a business to run, and these two will do nicely. She takes out a glass jar she has with her from her book bag, and opens it up. Chloe gently places them both inside, and secures the lid. Happy with her recent hunt, she knows it must continue. One tiny couple will not be enough for her giant customers.
Chloe continues her hunt on the outer sections of Gulliverian territory, careful not to repeat her stupid stunt with the police. She carefully and quietly moves around the area. “That was stupid,” she thought,” she could have been in deep trouble if those cops got a radio message off to their military. Their police force might be a joke, but their military is deadly.”
Chloe quietly walks around and sees a few tempting targets. The first is a two-story dollhouse looking structure, and there is a White family inside, two parents, a hot 39-year-old mother, and a handsome 40-year-old father, along with their good-looking children, both genders, all of whom are 18 and over. The other targets are two large, two story dwellings, about a Gulliverian half of a mile away. Those two structures are a college fraternity, and sorority. Those two houses have a reputation of having the best-looking college age girls and boys on this island. Each house contains around seventy to a hundred hot looking, horny college age students. Even better, they are both going through hell week, and they are full of dozens of tiny, hot looking pledges, mostly young women wanting to get in.
Chloe decides to go where first. She can always get the others later.