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Rated: E · Interactive · Erotica · #2261890
Brooke & Mikayla are sisters in their 20's—this is how one made the other very, very fat
This choice: -in the morning, Mikayla wants to get out of doing the chores altogether.  •  Go Back...
Chapter #4

Brooke's Bribery Blockade

    by: Mrphoenix
The sizzling of fresh breakfast cut through the relative silence of the early morning, savory odors wafting about in the Wider kitchen. Clad in her oversized sleep shirt and black leggings, Brooke patiently flipped her eggs over and over, sprinkling in a handful of cheddar as they scrambled. As she let them cook, she quickly flipped her slice of bacon over, not wanting it to burn. Mmm, that bacon smelled so delish…

Brooke felt her stomach churn, an ongoing reminder of the less-than-healthy dinner she’d let herself get coaxed into the night before. An entire deep-dish pizza and wings? Sure, it was only a medium pizza, but…

“Ugh, I have to start eating better…” Brooke grumbled as she continued tossing her eggs and flipping her bacon. That one slice of heaven was the lone concession she’d made amidst the rest of her breakfast options, even cutting out most of the creamer she’d grown so used to dousing her coffee in.

Blech.” Brooke’s face scrunched up as she sipped her morning brew, its bitterness an unwelcome reminder of the kind of sacrifice she was making.

Despite the bitterness of her coffee and the single, lonely slice of bacon, Brooke was in a pretty good mood, all things considered. Unlike her sister, Brooke was much more of an early bird, taking pleasure in the silence of the early morning, before her more vivacious sister could stomp all over those good vibes with some dig at her weight.

Finally plating the eggs and bacon, she made to throw the egg shells and the empty packet of cheese in the trash. But stepping on the foot pedal revealed an all-too familiar sight these days.
She wasn’t surprised, but with it being Mikayla’s job and all, it did give Brooke a good reason to wake Mikayla up.

Ooh, this was gonna be fun.

Mikayla!” Brooke shouted, directing her voice in the general direction of their shared hallway. “Get your ass out here!”

Brooke, knowing that her little sis would certainly not be rushing to heed her call anytime soon, tossed her trash on top of the overflowing pile, shut the lid, and took her breakfast over to the kitchen island.

Brooke knew Mikayla had gone out the night before, so it wasn’t any surprise that it took until Brooke had nearly finished her food before her little sis to finally emerge.

“Wh-whu…whazzup…” Mikayla shuffled into the kitchen, still half-asleep and obviously extremely hungover. She mussed with her disheveled blonde hair, furiously rubbing at her temples. “Ah, it’s…ssso bright in here…”

“Mornin’, sleepyhead.” Brooke muttered, trying to hide the little enjoyment she was getting out of messing with her party-animal of a sister. “And it’s not bright, you’re just hung the fuck over.”

“Gaaaah…” The younger Wider flipped the light switch, darkening the kitchen save for the stream of sunlight that glowed through the window. Even this seemed to be excessive, and Mikayla shielded her eyes from the natural light as she fumbled through the cabinets. “Need carbs…ugh, do we have any bread?”

“I don’t know, Mikayla, did you get any?” Brooke scoffed. “You were supposed to go shopping, remember?”

“Seriously, Brooke, just…not now.” Mikayla sidled over to the fridge, squeezing her eyelids shut as the fridge light illuminated the darkened kitchen. Blindly fumbling inside, she pulled out a quarter-filled jug of orange juice, screwed off the cap, and began chugging it straight.

“Really? We’ve got cups, like, right there.”

The blonde flipped off her brunette sister with one hand as the other tilted the bottle up, and she drained the last of the orange liquid. Popping the bottle from her mouth, she stifled a small burp before walking over to the trash and lifting up the lid with her foot.

“Hey, Brooke, the trash it’s…uh, kinda…”

“Yeah, no shit? Well, you had your fun last night, so…y’know, hop to it.”

Mikayla pinched the bridge of her nose in annoyance. “C’mooon, Brooke, you know I have to work in, like…”

Four hours.” Brooke forked the last bit of eggs and popped it into her mouth, and dropping her fork onto the plate with a loud *clank* as she stood up and took her dishes over to the sink.

“Huh?” Mikayla, now just awake enough to be considered lucid, glanced up at the clock. “Jesus, it’s so fuckin’ early…"

“At least you won’t be bored.” Brooke piled her plate onto the unwashed mountain of dishes that had accumulated over time. “Now you’ve got plenty of time to do all that crap I’ve been buggin’ you to do.”

“Aw, come on.” Mikayla whined. Seriously, Brooke made her get up at the ass-crack of dawn just to do fuckin' chores?!

Her gut instinct was to lash out, toss some pithy insults and just see what stuck. Anything that involved making fun of Brooke’s big butt usually did the trick, though sometimes she’d mix it up a bit and needle her with digs at her looks or personality.

But before she could whip out one of her standards, Mikayla remembered what had happened the night before. If it worked once, maybe?…

Heeeeey, Brooke?” Mikayla put on her best little angelic voice. “So, what if, y’know, you did the chores, and I picked you up some Oscar’s again?”

Brooke guffawed. “You’re serious? Mikayla, that only worked last night ‘cause I was-“

“Juan Gringo’s?”

“No, Mikayla, that’s not-“


“Mikayla, fried chicken is not gonna get you out of taking out the trash.”




“You already said that.” Brooke patted her sister on the shoulder as she headed to her room to get changed for work. “Have fun!~”

Mikayla grumbled unintelligibly as her sister practically sung that last little cherry on top of the shit sundae she’d served up. With no way out, the youngest Wider sibling began the arduous task of wrangling all the loose pieces of trash together into the bag, all the while still thinking about the night before.

That little trick had worked like a charm last night, and Brooke had hardly put up much of a fight then, so…what just happened? What was the difference between then and now?

Dammit, and the way she’d just waltzed out of there, so cheerful, so…

Wait…cheerful? Was that it?

She really had been a righteous bitch last night…and she had just gotten home from work, so it stood to reason she’d be pretty wiped…

Mikayla played around with the theory as she dragged the overstuffed trash bag out to the outdoor trash can and dragged the bin to the curb. If she was reading this right, if Brooke was especially pissed off, tired, the works, that’s when she was at her most vulnerable...and that’s when Mikayla could strike.

So, Mikayla had her little theory, but…how to test it? What would really strike a nerve in her big-bottomed sis?
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