The Tropius sighed as the questions dried up, meaning their time together was at an end. "Well, this has been delightful, darlings, but it is getting rather late, and I believe that some of the more unsavory Pokemon may be coming out to hunt soon. I suppose it's about time for the two of you to go now... Thank you for nursing from me and breeding me, young man. It was a truly blissful experience!" She gave him a soft smile, then turned to leave.
"Wait!" Patrick shouted suddenly, causing her to stop and turn back with a curious look. "Why don't you come with us? That way, you don't have to be alone, I get to study your condition more, and..." He blushed, unable to believe that he was about to say this... though he fully meant it. "And, if you truly do get pregnant from mating with me, I can be around our child."
The Tropius blushed heavily, eyes wide as a smile formed on her shocked face. She teared up as she suddenly rushed forward to hug him, squeezing him tight against her mammoth breasts. "Yes! Yes yes yes! Oh, you've made me the happiest Pokemon in this entire forest! I swear, I'll be the best mate you could hope for, dear!"
Pat blinked and blushed heavily, as it seemed she misinterpreted his declaration. Though... the idea of being called her mate wasn't that bad, honestly. So, he would roll with it. For science, of course.
Tropius pulled him from her bust, then proceeded to hold him against it in her arms, carrying him bridal style with a dreamy look on her face, not even noticing as Minccino climbed onto her shoulder with a jealous scowl. With that, she began walking, following Pat's directions back to his research laboratory.
"So, what should I call you? I think you should be more than just 'Tropius' now."
She nodded, still smiling, and hummed. "I hadn't thought about it much. Why don't you pick a name for me, darling? You humans love to name Pokemon, don't you?"
Pat thought about it, then decided on "Pamela. Your new name is Pamela!" She beamed at it, having no idea that Pat had just named her after his own mother.
With that out of the way, the two made their way home. What would be next for the the researcher and his group?