It had been a long and difficult journey for the 11 year old boy, named Diego Sanchez. He had been in the orphanage for a number of years, after he lost his parents in a car accident. Worse is that he's the only child of the family, and being sent there without any other members was hard for the skinny, hispanic kid in general.
Although it did took a whole to settle at the orphanage, he now knew he needed to find someone to adopt him. But the long he waited, the more stressed he was getting into, and simply lost hope as tome goes by. That is until one day, when one of the social worker named Amanda, came to his room, so she wanted to check on him to see how he's doing.
"Hey Diego! How are you feeling today?" Amanda wondered curiously when sitting on the bed next to Diego.
"I don't know!" Diego sighed and heads gone down, as he says further in a rather depressed tone. "I feels like the more that I wait, the more I wouldn't be able to spend some fun time as a family when I'm into an adult."
"I know how you're feeling, kid!" Amanda felt sorry for the boy, but she would soon begin to smile a little bit. "But how would you like me to tell, that you're getting adopted today?"
That made Diego's eyes lit up with surprise, and his moved his head straight, beginning to look surprised that this may be happening. He didn't know whether he should be happy or cry, but it qas something he had been desperately needed, and even so that he turned his head towards Amanda, wanting to make sure if this is true.
"Really!? Are you serious about this, Amanda?" Diego couldn't help but containing in excitement, when he asked to make sure if she's not joke. But she is really is when she nodded and explains everything to the young boy
"I am, Diego! There's a man named Aiden Forbs, who's in his twenties, and is a tech entrepreneur. He says he'll be happy to adopt you today, if you really want to first, since its your choice to be part of the family, so we can make it happen."
Of course after hearing everything about this man, no matter who it is, it was something Diego really needed a proper home to spend time with, and his huge smile lit up with excitement, and made no hesitation but to nod and agree to make it happen.
"Oh, I can't wait to get adopted, Amanda! Thank you so much!" Diego is in joy in response, and wanted to give her a big hug, as a appreciation to make his home dream into a reality.
"I'm gonna miss you when you're gone, Diego! I'm just so happy that you made a decision that is best for you." Amanda was about to tear up, which almost made Diego did the same to. But they soon calm down, and Amanda wouldn't want to waste any time and get this adoption started. "Well, pack everything you need, because...