"Ugh, Anon!" Edea exclaimed as she reached over to grab the lamp, the elven lass too annoyed with the filth of the lamp to suspect anything or delve into a more flirtatious mode. "How many times have I told you to clean up anything you bring into the shop!" Taking out a handkerchief, she begins to rub off the dirt and grime--and already, you begin to become worried that your plan will fall apart! If she could clean the lamp without touching it, there was a good chance she could figure out what it was--and maybe even what you were planning to do with it!
However, just as you were about to make an escape plan and try again with her or with someone else, you noticed something--as Edea was nearly finished with cleaning the lamp, her thumb seemed to rub against the body of the lamp without her noticing. Your heart began to speed up as you waited to see if the lamp took effect. Edea, meanwhile, smiled at her handiwork. "That's better," She stated as she looked back at you. "Now then, as for how much it's worth..." Suddenly, the elf maiden paused as the lamp began to glow. "What the..." She spoke out as a green smoke-like substance started to appear out of the tip of the lamp. Before Edea could react, the smoke shot down toward her legs, and you could tell that the elf merchant could no longer move.
Perfect--there would be no chance for Edea to escape now!
Edea herself started to take on a look of fear and confusion as the smoke started to move up her legs, merging them to form a single tail. Above, Edea's clothes began to change--while she had always dressed more conservatively, preferring a bright green dress that bared only bared her shoulders and arms, it now started to shrink, becoming a bra that showed off her cleavage and midriff. Edea gave a quick shriek and her arms started to shake, probably to try and cover herself, to no avail as her body still wouldn't obey her. Instead, her arms started to stretch out to her sides, and to her amazement--and your enjoyment--a pair of golden cuffs appeared on her wrists, cementing her role as a genie.
However, the transformation was not done yet--for next, her pointed ears were adorned with three pairs of gemmed earrings--one fashioned with a ruby, one a topaz, one a sapphire--while her hip-long hair, cascading down her back like a waterfall, now began to lift itself and form into a high ponytail. A golden tube formed at the base of the ponytail, holding it in place and showing off her worth even more.
As amazed you were at seeing the sexy elf finally get turned into a genie, you also had a feeling that the transformation would soon be over--and you couldn't wait! This elven bitch had teased, and used, you and others for too long--it was high time she got what she deserved! Sensing that her transformation was nearly complete as well, Edea turned her eyes to you, a hard gaze going in your direction. "You... you tricked me, you veesaigyn bastard!" She shouts at you, using the elven slur for non-elves--a term she rarely uses except when she is infuriated, though you always felt she called everyone in the village that, in private. "Release me, and maybe--" Edea suddenly gasped, and she looked down at the lamp, her fury melting away and transforming into horror.
"No... NO!" She yelled out, seeming to understand exactly the predicament she was in now. "Don't let it capture me! Please!" She begged as the lamp started to pull on her tail, causing it to be sucked in till she reached her hips. She moaned in a way that implied the suction was at least somewhat pleasurable, but you could tell that she wanted it to stop. Tough luck for her.
Turning back to you, she gave a pleading look as she spoke out again, "Please... don't let it take me..."
You grin wickedly and go over to the lamp. "Sorry, but this lamp and I both want to keep you. Don't worry... I'll take good care of you once you are fully transformed.~" The elven maiden stared at you in horror, surprised by both your callousness and how you were able to trick her. In the meantime, you picked up the lamp and kept looking at her all the while, up to her chest now in the lamp's tip. "In the meantime, why don't you take some time and get acquainted with your new home~?" You laughed as, with a gasp and a moan, she was pulled in completely, waiting to be released.
You were so excited--you had Edea all to yourself! And, perhaps, she would be the first of many genies for you! You were just about to rub the lamp when you thought about something--she had just been transformed. Maybe it was better to give her some time, and make sure the lamp did its work on her. Besides, if you rubbed the lamp now, what if someone saw you? You couldn't risk getting your cover blown just yet!
You ponder over what you should do...