"Let's try that new pizza place", said Eric.
"Sure!" said Flavius. He headed across the atrium and down one of the passageways with Ryan jogging after them.
"Dude that was SO cool!" said Ryan.
"Huh?" said Flavius, who was more interested in finding the restaurant than talking, right now.
"The way you just..." Ryan waved a hand. "...and like, we got right to the front like that, and you just totally moved in like a BOSS yo!"
"Yeah? Well hey, don't get used to it", said Flavius. "I did that as a favour for Eric, and that's IT".
Eric nodded, "Yeah...I..I know, Flavius...um...thanks anyway...it was pretty cool though..."
Ryan nodded in agreement. Flavius stopped.
"...hehehe...yeah..." he said, and cracked one of his billion-dollar smiles, "C'mon! Let's go in and check out..."
He glanced up at the sign over the restaurant's doorway.
"The Pizza Palace", he said. They headed inside.
"Well hey there kids!" said a cheery-faced waiter, "What's up?"
"We're celebratin' the start of our school holidays", said Ryan.
"Yeah. Uh, table for three", said Eric.
"Sure thing! This way!"
The young man led them through the restaurant towards a booth near a set of doors that opened out onto the street nearby.
"There you go!" he said. "I'll get you guys some menus! I guess you're all here to meet that Taurus Jackson kid, huh? I've had a lot of guys come through here already talkin' about nothin' but him all day long. I promised my kid-brother I'd try and get the guy's autograph..."
"Yeah he's kinda cool", said Flavius, pouring out some water for his friends.
"Did you guys get to see him?' the waiter asked, as he handed over some menus.
"Uh...yeah!" said Eric, flipping open his menu. "It was lots of fun..."
"Cool!" said the waiter. "Alright guys, I'll be back in a few minutes!"
The boys settled down and started to read. As they waited, more people started coming in. More kids and teenagers, and families with their children, until the restaurant was about half-full. Flavius waved the waiter back after a few minutes, and read out their orders.
"Yeah we'll have...two meat-lover supremes to share...and two garlic-breads, and three bottles of lemonade".
"Sure thing buddy", said the waiter, writing everything down on his notepad.