"Teddy Cutter, Teddy Cutter, I call upon you to remove my face," Lisa said as she stepped back from the mirror and took a bathrobe from one of the seniors.
"Teddy Cutter, Teddy Cutter, I call upon you to give me Jason Brown's dick," Jackie followed with, looking down at her body, wondering what she'd look like with a penis. Not that she actually wanted one. She then took a robe and stood by Lisa.
"Teddy Cutter, Teddy Cutter, I call upon you to remove Bethany's head," Haley looked at the senior Sorority sister and gave her a wicked smile. She went to take a robe but was denied.
"That wasn't the challenge, you're meant to ask him to remove your head. Not mine!" Bethany snapped.
"Calm down, it's not like this is real," Haley stood there with her arms crossed. "Though if it is, why risk my own head when I can name anyone? Now if it turns out to be real, you get to suffer along side Lisa and Jackie.
"I know it's not real," Bethany said with a hint of fear. "But you failed the challenge and that means you're out. Pack your things, tomorrow you return to the dorms."
"Whatever," Haley said, as she left the bathroom and headed back to the Sorority House, fully exposed. At least this time of night there weren't as many people that would see her. She walked in past the other girls and headed to the guest room where she, Jackie and Lisa were sleeping. She got dressed and fell asleep, unaware of the nightmare she helped summon.
Hearing his name, Teddy was able to leave his realm of torment and once again entered the dream world, three people had summoned him and two others were named all five could and would become his victims, for the first night he started with...