You had just made it into the new world. You were proud of yourself. But little did you know about the fate awaiting you. Right after you left from fishmen island and surfaced on the sea, you see a ship with a pink flag approaching you. You could recognise the flag, you had already seen it before. It was a low profile supernova, jewelry bonnie. You thought she would be an easy target. An easy way to shoot to fame for you.
Fast forward a few minutes, boy were you wrong. Your crew was destroyed, everyone severy injured and taken as captives. As for you, you were on your knees, your hands and legs cuffed. You couldn't believe how easily she defeated you, she wasn't a supernova for nothing. You had new found respect for her. Could you perhaps join her crew and sail under her flag? You were pretty strong yourself, after all you made it to the new world.
"There you are, finally awake!",bonnie approached you in her adult form, she looked nearly 30. Was that her real age? Nobody knows.
"You are so strong",you praised her.
"Of course I am bitch!",bonnie brought a chain and sat in front of you.
You didn't like how she called you a bitch in front of your crewmates. "Watch your tongue!",you could not take such humiliation.
"Ha Ha. Awww~ what are you gonna do if I don't?", Bonnie was having none of it as she planted her heel on your forehead and twisted it.
"Aaah!",you wailed in pain. You did not want to scream but, but it was painful.
She laughed at you again before pressing her heel against your lips. You tried to move your head away, but she was having none of it. She kicked you on the face again,"Don't move, bitch!".
She was pissed. Perhaps she felt disrespected by your attack on her. Her kicks were painful. "I-I am sorry. I just wanted to join your crew!",you wanted to calm her down.
"Of course, you will join my crew. But not as a crew member. You will join this crew as my servant. What do you say?",Bonnet said with a smirk.
"Wh-what?",you couldn't believe your ears..
"Awh? Pretending to be strong, are we? That's so cute",she smirked before release a barrage of kicks on your face. You thought she would stop, but she didn't! Every kick more painful than the previous. You were wailing in pain as her heels marked your face, again and again. You felt so helpless. You tried to dodge, but it was hard when cuffed like this. She would sometimes just press her heels into your cheeks and twist them, watching you wail in agony.
You could tell she was having fun. You were tearing up from the pain. You have been hard fights before, but not one sided torture like this. And it was humiliating too. Your crew turned their faces away from the site, they couldn't bear to watch you like this. She kicked you again, and again, and again. She laughed at you, spitting on your face, before kicking you again. You couldn't stop her. And she wasn't stopping herself. She was disfiguring your face.