"Hello, and welcome to Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?! I'm your host, my name's not that important, but our guests are." The host said, and the audience cheered.
"Our first contestant is a chipmunk who lives in a teee in Central Park with another chipmunk, two mice, and a fly. He is the leader of the Rescue Rangers and wears a brown jacket and a brown fedora, not unlike Indiana Jones. He can be identified from Dale, his best friend, by his nose that's black, like a chocolate chip, hence his name. Please welcome our first guest, Chip the Chipmunk from Chip N' Dale Rescue Rangers!" the host announced, and the audience cheered as Chip walked onto the stage.
"Thank you for having me on your show, Mr. Host. It's a pleasure to be here!" Chip told the host as he walked onstage.
"You're welcome, Chip. Are you ready to play Millionaire?" the host asked Chip.
"Yes, Mr. Host. My friend Gadget may be the tech genious, but I'm the one with the real know-how! I'm sure I'll win this game in no time!" Chip told the host.
"Okay, then. Here are the rules; you have ten questions, and if you answer them all correctly, you'll win a million dollars. If you get one wrong, you'll lose, but you're welcome to walk away with what money you have if the question's too tough. You have three lifelines; you can phone a friend to see if they know the answer, you can use 50/50 to reduce the answers down to two, and you can ask the audience to see if they know the answer. Do you understand?" the host asked Chip.
"Of course I do. If Dale were here, he'd probably ask you to repeat the rules. Now let's get started!" Chip told the host.
"Okay, then, Chip. Here is your first question for $100.
In the 1991 Disney film, Beauty and the Beast, what was the name of Mrs. Potts' son turned teacup?" the host began, then he turned to the producers.
"Really? With this guy?" the host asked the producers, then he read the answers.
"A. China
B. Cubby
C. Cuppy
D. Chip"
What does Chip do?