"Alright, let's play," you message Eric.
Not even five minutes later, your friend is walking up the road with the game in hand, wearing a pair of basketball shorts and a white tank top. As he starts down the driveway, Eric glances over his shoulder at the Wilsons, then shoots you a confused look.
"No idea," you say with a half shrug.
Eric follows you up to your room, saying, "Dude, this is gonna be awesome. I was reading the reviews and they've got local split-screen and online split-screen. Figure we can start on local, do a few bot matches, then we jump online and dominate. Between the two of us, we'll be able to unlock the golden series weapons in, like, ten, maybe twenty games. We'll top the competitive ladder in no time." When you lock the bedroom door behind you, the shaggy headed boy raises an eyebrow and asks, "What are you doing that for?"
"Check this out," you tell him as you pull the device from your pocket. "This guy my dad knows, probably one his co-workers, he showed up and gave me a box with this in it."
"Yeah, that's, um - what is it?"
It's probably easier just to show him what it can do, so you point the remote at your bed and press the grow button. Eric's brown eyes bulge out of his head when he sees it expand.
"No freaking way, dude," he yells. "Did you - did that really just - are you serious right now?"
"Dead serious, but you gotta keep your voice down. You and me, we're the only ones who know. Nobody else can find out about this, alright?"
Eric nods, his jaw still slack from disbelief. "Yeah, man, that's - that's totally - I mean, yeah, I'm not gonna say anything. So, um, what are we gonna do with it? Wait, does it work on people or is it just, like, objects and stuff?"
"Not sure yet. I was wanting to try it out on somebody."
"Hell yeah, man, let's do it. Who were you thinking?" When you don't answer, your friend shakes his head slowly and says, "No way. You're not testing it on me."
You aim the remote at his chest and tell him, "Come on, it's not going to kill you. Just a couple inches."
"In which direction?"
"Either, I guess."
"Why don't you try it on yourself?"
"I can't use it on myself," you lie. "It doesn't work like that. That's why I needed someone else to test it on."
Lips drawn tight, Eric considers it for a moment, then he says…