"Hooray!! Thank you bi-big- little bro! Hmmmm, I thing I will... sit on you!"
The moment you heard the words "sit on you" made your mind race with thoughts. "What have I gotten myself into?" "I hope this doesn't kill me." "Why do I have to put up with Lily's weird antics?". You said to her,
"Si-sit on me? Your older brother? Lil, I think that's a little too much, dontcha think? You could kill me from all the weight being put onto me!"
Lily replied to you, shocked and keeping to her plan,
"Yes Chwis! I wanna sit on you! Don't worwee! I will make sure that you will be as safe as pozzible! I don't want anything to happen to my cute, big- I mean- little bro! *she caresses your stomach with her pointer finger*. She then gave you a smile to assure you she was being as honest as can be to not hurt you in anyway. She may have been completely taller than you, but you could see she had a heart of understanding and compassion. She closed her hand to cover you so you didn't fall out of it, raced to another room (you guessed it was her room), and shut the door immediately. For a moment, a bit of adrenaline filled your body as per Lily's running to another room. That adrenaline disappeared as she changed her energy to a calmer pace around her room, looking for a place to "experiment" with her tiny brother. You then felt her arm and hand go down as she took a seat to sit down on a rug next to her bed. She opened her hand up like a claw and looked at you with excitement and also a bit of caution (as per the earlier discussion). That same "I'm happy and excited" smile from before still ran across her face, and her eyes were glistening with anticipation. She began to talk to ask you a quick question. She asked you,
"So Chrissy, are you ready to have some "fun"?"
You replied to her, not eagerly as she wanted it to be,
"Yeah, I guess so Lil. Again, please don't hurt me, I'm not a toy or an insect. I'm your brother and a human being. I expect you to handle me-"
Lily cut you off to "shush" you with a calming voice that said,
"Chrissy, you will be okay. I promiz, nothing will happen to you." She gave you another small yet very relaxing pucker kiss and smiled warmly. She then went from a relaxed state, to a hyper "Let's get this party started" state in the blink of an eye. She said briefly,
"Now, it's time for a little what I call, a "Butt Extravagananza". I came up with that idea myself just now!"
You wanted to correct Lily by saying that it was pronounce "Extravaganza" with no "ganan" in it, but you were still in a little state of fear, unknowing what your little sister could do with her rear end. She then lowered and curved her hand to the back side where her butt was, and placed you on her rug. You looked up at your giant sister, getting up briefly, to turn around and ultimately, use her butt to have "fun" with you. You saw her tucked ripped shorts and the back of her legs bend and move slowly towards you. In the process of this, two semicircle rounds were formed in doing this. You knew these to be the cheeks of her butt being pressed up against her shorts. What you were now looking up at was the complete picture of Lily's butt leering over you. It was this giant embodiment of two rounded buttocks with some of her thighs in sight being encompassed over your tiny body. This sight somewhat turned you on (for an odd reason) as you saw a bit of fat around her thighs and buttocks, which made her butt slightly bigger than it was. She giggled, and then asked you,
"Do you like the sight of my big butt, Chrissy? It muzt be HUGE at your tiny bug size!"
You shouted out to her,
"How am I supposed to reply to that, Lil? I mean, it's interesting to say the least- I guess? "
Lily replied, chuckling while doing so,
"Oh! So you DO like my big booty! Do you like it when I *she starts to bring her buttocks closer to you and starts to shake it from side to side* hover my big, stinky butt over you, Chrissy? You can be honist, I won't be mad or tell anyone!"
This was an awkward position you put yourself in. You didn't know whether to just say that you're not interested in this game she has, you are secretly into it but are failing in coming to that conclusion, or just say that you are and expect a positive result. As you looked up at your sisters ginormous short covered buttocks nearly inches away from you, you started to get turned on for "no reason" whatsoever. It was like your member just automatically jerked up into action. You thought of possible reasons as to how it could come to this conclusion. Could it have been the viewing point you had of your little sister? Her butt, slowly creeping towards your tiny body, with a hint of something foul smelling? Or was it just the thought of being helpless in the hands (more so, rear end) of your seemingly careful and cute sister? You didn't want to be creepy towards her, but as a teenager in the hands of a playful young girl, those hormones are bound to fly at a moments notice. After thinking these thoughts while looking up at Lily's rear end, she then lifted her butt up and said,
"I think this is getting a bit boring now. I'm pretty sure you are bored too, right Chrissy? Have your eyes gotten tired at looking at my.. lovely big butt?" *she flips her hair while asking that question*. "Wait a minute, I have just the thing that will make this one hundrid times better!"
What does she plan on doing?
(I know, I haven't added to this interactive in so long, but here is a good storyline and I hope you enjoy!)