This choice: Sarah’s Unaware Squashing • Go Back...Chapter #4Sarah's Squashing and Katherine's Fun by: Unknown Katherine's grin was killer. "...I'm sure Sarah will be so glad that I brought you along, once she realizes that you're here at least!" Your sister snickered as your eyes widened in panic.
Before you could cry out, Katherine merely crumpled her fist around you, burying you between her fingers and smushing you into a blob. Smirking, Katherine rolled you between her fingers into a flat shape, and then tucked you back into her pocket. She then rapped her knuckles on Sarah's apartment door, waited a moment, and was quickly greeted by her older sister.
Sarah smiled warmly. "Katherine, hey! Great to see you."
Katherine jerked her head in a casual nodding motion. "Sup? Ready to get started?" She asked with a coy wink, causing Sarah to blush.
"Uh...I guess." Sarah said with clear hesitation, stepping aside to let her younger sister into the room.
Katherine strolled into the apartment, an easy, winning smile on her face. "Relax, sis. I think you'll have a lot more fun with this than you'd worried about. Besides, it's not like mom's here with us. Or Ant, for that matter." Katherine shrugged. "There's nothing to be embarrassed about."
Sarah bit her lip as she followed Katherine into the living room. "I...guess so."
Katherine laughed. "Could you imagine if I brought Ant? Knowing him, he'd be crushed flat in seconds!" The cold-hearted girl laughed again, earning a light slap on the arm from Sarah.
"Kat, please! Stop making light of Anthony's struggles." Your sister sighed. "I can't even imagine the last normal day he's had, knowing his luck."
Katherine flopped onto the couch with a cheeky grin. "So it's better to laugh everything off with him, right? Help to normalize it?" She shrugged again. "But whatever, he's not here, obviously."
Sarah nodded, and then went to retrieve a plate of cookies she'd baked ahead of time from the kitchen. Meanwhile, Katherine hid her smug expression. Every chance she had, she made sure to drop hints around Sarah and Deborah about being more carefree and reckless around her squishy little bro. With each passing day, she could see that her words were having an effect, and she firmly believed that before long her family would be fully on-board with making the little guy's life a fun-filled nightmare. Maybe they could even get a usage license for him! That'd be the greatest thing imaginable!
For the moment, Katherine merely reached into the backpack she'd taken into the apartment with her, and spread out a wide assortment of bikinis onto the coffee table. Every color, fabric type, and design imaginable. An extremely generous tier-three subscriber on her streams had mailed her a care package of swimsuits, but the company had gotten the size wrong slightly. They were too big for Katherine...but, coincidentally, the perfect size for Sarah. And as Katherine had always intended to model the suits for her audience, why not do it with Katherine...and a special guest appearance from a little squished Ant?
Sarah returned with the cookies, and the sisters shoved a few into their mouths. Sarah then drew the blinds closed on all of the windows, and glumly began stripping out of her clothes. With a heart as big as her generous assets, Sarah hadn't even hesitated before agreeing to model the swimsuits for Katherine. Still, it didn't make things less awkward for the normally fairly reserved girl, and knowing her pictures would be featured on Katherine's social medias only heightened her insecurity. Despite being utterly gorgeous and curvaceous, Sarah had always felt a touch insecure about her appearance, though she had no reason to be.
Katherine then turned on a few lights to help with creating a better atmosphere, and she moved the coffee table out of the center of the room. She also brought out a stool and placed it in the middle of the carpet. Meanwhile, Sarah had chosen her first swimsuit, which was a modest red one-piece bikini. Slipping into it, she was pleased to see that it fit her well, even if it was a touch snug around her chest and rear.
While she was changing, Katherine had also brought you out of her pocket. Rubbing you flat and smearing your face a bit, your sadistic sister slapped you down onto the stool, pressing hard to ensure you stuck, before backing away with a cruel wink. You wasted no time in trying to force your body to reform, even if you knew it was too late. In the low-lighting on the room (as the lights Katherine had turned on pointed away from you), you knew the chances of Sarah seeing you were slim to none. And without her help...there would be no one to save you.
As Sarah finished tying the straps of her bikini, Katherine glanced around and frowned. "No Vicky?"
Sarah tapped her chin. "Pretty sure she'll be back from the store soon. Why?"
Katherine shrugged. "Ah, no reason. Just thought she'd kill to see her girlfriend rock some bikinis."
Sarah's blush returned, reddening her cheeks the same color as her bikini, and she stumbled over towards the stool. You could see her from your peripheral vision, but the swell of her chest blocked her face from you, and she wasn't remotely glancing in your direction.
Katherine grinned. Truthfully, the reason she'd wanted Vicky around is because Vicky had recently confessed to Katherine that she believed her little brother to be a closet pervert. Apparently she'd found him trapped in her shoe three days in a row, and then once glued to her bra (the bra incident having been Katherine's own handiwork). Vicky had said that she wanted to punish the little guy, but kept herself in check so as to not make Sarah upset. Katherine was confident that when Vicky showed up and saw what Katherine had planned, she'd be totally on board.
"Hop on that stool whenever you're ready, sis!" Katherine explained, readying her phone camera. Before she did so, she made sure to pop into her social media chat and send out a message to all of her loyal followers. The message was short but sweet: Get ready for big sis Sarah's swimsuit show! Guest starring everyone's favorite squishee!
With a slight embarrassed grimace, Sarah backed up and hefted herself up onto the stool, plopping her butt down onto the cushion with an audible 'slap' sound (that only made her blush harder).
The moment of impact was everything you'd been dreading and had been incapable of preventing. Sarah's meteoric ass blocked the light above like an eclipse, and the final sight you saw before being consumed by darkness was the tight red swimsuit clenching Sarah's ass cheeks like a second skin. Your sister had then landed upon the stool, decimating the thin cushion beneath her weight. You were crushed flatter than even you already were, reduced to a fine paste under your sister's hefty derriere. All fresh air was sucked out as she settled into the seat, pinning you like a vice between her bikini-clad booty and the stool. Her butt was easily big enough to take up the entire cushion.
Katherine grinned, and sneakily snapped her first pic (while setting her phone to auto-upload all pics right after they were taken). She then wrangled her features into a professional smile. "Alright, sis. Wiggle a bit to get comfortable if you want, then pose for me."
Sarah did as instructed, mercilessly grinding her ass against the stool with abandon. Her meaty cheeks dragged across the cushion, scraping along your poor body, the fabric of the bikini offering no protection from your sister's ASSault. Sarah then posed, bringing her knees together and placing her hands on her lap. She leaned forward in her seat, shifting her weight back as her booty dug into the cushion tighter, smearing your tiny body beneath her cheeks. You mentally groaned, begging Sarah to somehow know you were under her, though the odds of that were obviously astronomical.
Katherine snapped a few pics, and Sarah shifted into a few different poses (grinding her butt against the stool as she did so, mashing your battered boy brutally, reducing you to a mere smear). Eventually, Katherine motioned for Sarah to stand, but your sadistic sister's smile faltered as she saw you still glued to the stool. She'd been hoping you'd be a stain on Sarah's cheeks by now. Still, Katherine was nothing if not always prepared to improvise when it came tos crewing you over.
"Hey, sis. Put your foot up on the stool for another pic, please!" Katherine asked, readying her camera.
Sarah did so, demonstrating flexibility by hiking up her leg and then slamming her foot down on the stool. The girl's toes crushed into your tiny, smeared body, smashing into you and rubbing off lingering sweat and dirt specks onto you. Katherine grinned at the sight, and took a few more pictures of Sarah (who was getting more and more into the photo shoot, and was now smiling easily).
Sarah then went to change into a new suit, and Katherine stared at your blobby remains on the stool, brainstorming how to make things even more fun.
At that moment, the front door opened, and Vicky walked in, some groceries in her arms. She dropped off the goods and then balked at Sarah's naked body shimmying into a new (and more revealing) bikini. Vicky's cheeks reddened, but her awe turned to confusion upon noticing the tan smear on the stool. Even as battered and misshapen as the blob was, she still recognized it as you.
Glancing at Katherine, the blonde winked conspiratorially. Vicky's brows creased.
What happens next?
1) As Katherine predicted, Vicky's one-hundred percent on board with Katherine 'punishing' you for being a perv. Vicky sits back to eagerly enjoy the show, and Sarah's photo shoot fun continues.
2) Vicky's hesitant, feeling a bit guilty about Sarah being the one doing the crushing. Improvising on the fly, Katherine suggests that Vicky change into a bikini and join the fun, while trying to be the one who crushes you most. Vicky agrees.
3) *Writer's Choice*  indicates the next chapter needs to be written. |
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