(Author’s Note: G-Writer here; I actually wrote the following chapters in another program, with no regard for character limits… and ended up with around 25,000 characters. Soooo… obviously had to split this up (the chapter limit is 10,000), and I’ll do the best I can to make it work/flow, and make the best out of the opportunity and add some route choices I wasn’t originally planning on. Apologies to Alistair if there’s any issues with this. My bad, haha. ^_^;; )
“Anthony… is that you?”
You were startled out of your people-watching stupor as a very familiar voice calls out to you. You smile as you turn to your “Aunt” Barbara, only for your smile to freeze on your face as you take her in.
With how often you saw her growing up, you had seen Barbara in a lot of different outfits but… this was a lot. As if she had decided to wear clothes from when she was 20 years younger (she’s 45 now if you remembered right) and at least 50… maybe even 100 pounds lighter (and she had always been a bit chubby), her outfit was not only VERY broken in, but she was literally overflowing/spilling out of it in every direction.
From the top, she had curled her short blonde hair into medium twists, the slightly greasy locks bouncing and reflecting the light of the cafe. She had put on a bit of make-up, mostly to conceal some middle-age laugh-lines (without much success) and a few fairly large blemishes/pimples, which were quite noticeable/angry looking at your size. Her shirt was a black button-up crop top that was supposed to have flowy/baggy arms, but were actually pretty snug on her chubby arms. This was the least noticeable part about the top however, as she literally could only button the bottom two buttons in the front, her sizable breasts surging up out of the top and very nearly on full display. Even the purple bra she was wearing ‘underneath’ (it was easily visible not matter how much she adjusted her top) did little to keep them in check, more milky-white cleavage seeming to show with every movement, no doubt one deep breath away from her nipples flopping right out. Because it was a crop top, it also left her chubby tummy, muffin top, and side/back flab on full display, all of which was slightly glistening with sweat.
But your mouth actually fell open as you looked lower… her stomach wasn’t just showing under the top, it was completely out and over the top of her EXTRA low rise jeans. At second glance, you actually noticed she didn’t even have them zipped or buttoned, the fly completely open but barely visible with the chub of her tummy resting on/over it. You would wonder how her pants were staying up, but the horribly distressed material of her jeans had cellulite-riddled thigh/leg chub spewing out of every rip and tear, and there were a LOT of rips and tears (and no doubt more were forming even now). And even though she was facing you head on… you could tell even from here that there was no way all of her ass (which was several times bigger than even your mother’s, and easily her biggest feature) was being covered. And the cherry on top of the ‘I have a lot of curves and I’m trying my best to rock them’ look Barbara was sporting was the fact she was wearing a bright blue thong, the sides of which were digging into/hooked on top of her noticeable love handles.
Time stood still as you and Barbara stared at each other, you with your jaw dropped and her slowly blushing more and more as she realized her ‘nephew’ was seeing her in every inch of chubby glory before she was thrown in a tizzy of embarrassed, panicking defensiveness. “I-It’s not what you think! Umm, I mean, I guess I don’t know what you’re thinking, but you know I don’t USUALLY dress like this!!! It’s just… umm… Oh who am I kidding, I look like an ugly beached whale, don’t I?”
You couldn’t say that Barbara’s outfit choice wasn’t (more than) a bit much, but… being your family friend and all, you wouldn’t have felt right shaming her over it or anything, whatever her reasoning (or lack thereof) drove her to wear this. With that decided, you thought you might as well give her a little confidence, mustering up your resolve as best you could. “N-no, Aunt Barbara, you— you look fantastic actually!” You plastered a smile on your face, but the somewhat skeptical face Barbara was giving you prompted you to double down on your flattery. “I-in fact I umm… I don’t know why you don’t wear stuff like this all the time. This is the most amazing I’ve ever seen you… A-and this is coming from me, I’ve seen a lot of you!”
You were more than a little embarrassed at your attempts, but as Barbara’s face slowly went pink, followed by a very deep blush, it turned out your words were very persuasive. “Oh Anthony, thank you so much, you little charmer! This is actually the same outfit I won Arthur ((her ex husband that died 10-ish years ago per Barbara’s character description)) over with all so long ago now. I was a little worried I was too old and, well… flabby to pull this off still, especially showing this much skin… There’s a LOT of me to show, you know? Not to mention it’s a bit hotter than I thought it would be, I’m sweating like a pig.”
Feeling good about making Barbara feel better about herself, you couldn’t help but continue doing so, despite the fact that you actually agreed with her last few sentences for the most part. “No way! I mean, isn’t having so much to show much better than not having anything? Besides, I’m sure you could show way more and no one would have anything to complain about! And sweating is completely natural, it’s nothing to be ashamed over!”
Barbara looked at you in disbelief for a few moments, but that quickly turned to pure joy as a cherubic smile bloomed on her face. “Wow… I was really worried about how much my butt was showing in these, but with that kind of review, maybe I won’t waste my time struggling to get them up this high next time!” You genuinely feel happy for causing her so much joy, even if you’re left with a small worry that you’ve made a monster, but that worry nearly breaks your smile as she turns a bit to show you her bum in her jeans… and time stops once again. Over half of Barabara’s ass is not only exposed over the top of her jeans, but is literally bulging over/overflowing them. Cellulite abounded on the massive cheeks, and although they hardly had any sag from aging (they were actually pretty round/bubbly), the way they squished and jiggled showed they were packed with tons of fat without much (if any) muscle underneath. On top of this, if you thought her tummy/breasts were sweaty, her ass was a complete swamp. What little of the triangle of her thong (g-string?) that wasn’t consumed by her butt was completely soaked through, what little of her ass crack that was covered by her jeans was darkened in a line straight down her crack, and her cheeks themselves were glistening with sweat and body grease… and even with the distance between you, you could very easily smell that she was more than a little ripe back there.
You immediately regretted all the confidence you just gave her, but realized it was far too late to back down now, so you just did your best to keep up a weak smile as she playfully flaunted herself. “I’m so glad I went with this outfit now! And you’re right, if a guy gets aaaaall of this, he should be able to put up with a little natural sweat and smell!” You would take exception to the ‘little’ part of her statement, and the fact that you didn’t say anything about smell, but you were far too deep to backpedal now. “Anyway, what brings you here? Are you just sitting by yourself not ordering?”
Glad for the change of topic, you quickly responded, “Oh, I’m here for the blind date!”
For some reason this seemed to startle Barbara, causing you both to sit in awkward silence for a few moments. “The… blind date?”
“Yeah, that my family set up.”
“W-wait… you’re SURE you’re here for a blind date right now… that your family set up?”
You didn’t know why she seemed so intent on questioning you about this, but now that you thought about it, although you had meant Katherine specifically when you said your family had set this up, it’d make the most sense that your entire family was involved as setting up something like this wasn’t the norm for Katherine, but you decided to clarify anyway. “Yeah, Katherine especially.”
“Even… even Katherine’s okay with this?”
“Yeah, why wouldn’t she be?”
You were very confused at this point. Sure, it was a little dangerous to go on a blind date with a stranger being a micro and all, but it wasn’t like Katherine actually wished you DEAD, the rest of the family would never forgive her. You were a little startled as Barbara nearly swooned for some reason, barely catching herself before grabbing both chairs for your table and plopping down on them with a wet slap (one ass cheek on each of the diminutive armless cafe chairs, with her bum/thighs STILL overflowing them). “O-okay… one last question… You’re… You’re ABSOLUTELY SURE you’re okay with this? Like… really and truly?”
Choice 1 (Reserved by G-writer): Continue; Barbara gets it in her head your family set up a blind date between you two.
Choice 2: You tell her you’re actually having second thoughts about going through with this. Luckily in the crestfallenness this causes Barbara, you both figure out that you weren’t supposed to be meeting each other. Unluckily, when neither of your real dates show, Barbara decides to ‘cheer you up’ by being your date for today… and she’s determined to REALLY get into the role of your date/girlfriend to make it up to you.
Choice 3: Same as choice 2, but instead of Barbara deciding to date you, she insists on hooking you up with a random woman she thinks is good for you in the cafe (ignoring your input/resistance).
Choice 4: Same as choice 2, but Barbara brings you to a bar to drown both your sorrows (not asking if you want to come or not).
Choice 5: Reader’s Choice