You had mixed feelings as you paced back and forth around your living room. Sure, Katherine had never been a trustworthy person at any time in your life, and seemed to constantly go out of her way to torment you, so this date was likely no different.
However, it was possibly the only time in her life that Katherine had actually done something that on the surface seemed nice to you that didn’t directly gain her anything. She would play nice to your mom when she was giving her a thong that you were smeared to the back of, or handing Barbara a sandwich that she had stuffed you inside, but whenever she was “pranking” you she was almost never doing it under a facade of being nice to you.
So you didn’t know what to make of it when she called you saying she had set you up on a blind date. You had said yes more to appease her than anything, and possibly encourage this apparent change in how she treats you. Although she wasn’t being too kind clearly, since you were having to make your way to the coffee shop that your date picked out by yourself with no assistance from Katherine, who had also told your date that you would meet her wherever she picked.
You were due to meet your date at noon, which was an hour and 15 minutes away. You had just been alerted that your taxi would be arriving in the next thirty minutes, which the walk from your apartment to the front of your building would take you anyway. It means you would probably arrive at the coffee shop pretty early, however, since it wasn’t too far from your building.
Taking one last look in the mirror before leaving your apartment, you tucked in your shirt, sighed nervously, and opened your door to leave.
Walking through the door of the coffee shop, staying close to the wall to avoid foot traffic entering and leaving the shop, you were thankful the door was being held open by a door stop, so you didn’t have to squeeze underneath it and potentially get your outfit dirty.
You walked in, avoiding the stomping feet of several customers who were rushing around, their business attire and general demeanour suggested that they were on their lunch break and had to rush back to work, so were highly unlikely to watch where they were stepping.
You saw a young barista walking away from an occupied table with an empty tray in hand. She looked to be around 20, petite and her black hair was pulled back in a ponytail which bobbed as she walked.
You figured you would probably need to get some assistance to get to your table, so you decided to call out to her.
“Um, excuse me! Could I get some help please!” Your words clearly reached her, even over the noise of conversation and people moving around the shop, as her head perked up and she looked around for the source of the voice she heard.
Her eyes settled on you, and lit up in recognition.
“Oh, hey little guy, what can I do for you?” She beamed, and kneeled down, bringing her inquisitive blue eyes closer to you.
“H-hi... I’m meeting someone here and was wondering if you could take me to a table? Just so I’m in a place that they can see when they get here,” you sheepishly asked, still not entirely comfortable asking for help from women you didn’t know.
“Oh sure, no problem little guy, hop on,” she lowered the tray to the ground and gestured for you to climb on to it, which you did gratefully.
As she walked to the nearest available table, you noted she had surprisingly good balance with it, you barely felt it wobble.
She set the tray down on the table and you hopped off, before turning around and thanking her.
“No problem, cutie. I’ll keep an eye out for any girls coming in that look like they are looking for someone and I’ll point them your way. My names Anna, by the way,” she smiled, before a customer caught her attention and she rushed off to help them.
Since it would likely be a while before your date showed up, you decided to take a look around the shop. Anna had brought you pretty far in, so you couldn’t see the door. You would have to hope that Anna would direct your date to you.
The shop seemed fairly busy, and was bustling with activity, with waitresses moving between tables serving coffee.
You spent the next while just watching people pass through, getting caught up in your observations and not noticing how much time was passing.
“Anthony?” You heard a woman’s voice come from behind you, interrupting your observations.
You turned around looking for the source of the voice, to be met with the sight of...
1) ... Sasha, one of Katherine’s friends from high school. You were convinced that the only reason Katherine was friends with her was because of how she interacted with you, because truthfully the pair were nothing alike. Sasha was kind, an exception amongst Katherine’s friends. Katherine found Sasha hilarious, because Sasha may be the clumsiest person you have ever met, and most interactions you had with her began and ended with you accidentally being crushed by her. She was always apologetic, but that didn’t stop it from happening all the time.
2) ... a tall, athletically built redheaded woman who smiled down at you. She seemed eager for your date based on her demeanour, but was this a normal date, or had Katherine planned to make this unpleasant for you?
3) ... Barbara? Had Katherine set you up with your mom’s best friend?
In reality, although neither you or Barbara knew this, both Katherine and your mom had set you and Barbara up on dates in the same place, your date was a no-show and Barbara had trampled hers as she walked in the door, so no one was coming to meet either of you to clear up the misunderstanding.