Tom Lucitor, the prince of the underworld, was a typical demon boy who was normally angry most of the time. At least, he used to be angry most of the time. After breaking up with his old girlfriend, Star Butterfly, he was always miserable and tried to do anything he could to get her back, even if he had to get rid of her new best friend, the human, Marco Diaz.
However, in the past, Tom would usually try to kill Marco, but not anymore. Since the two of started hanging out and being friendlier to each other after bonding over ping-pong, things have been a lot better between them. Like right now, Marco and Tom were currently at Marco's house watching a Mackie Hand movie marathon. They sat together on the couch sharing a bowl of nachos and it really looked like Tom was finally hanging out with Marco and nothing could make him angry this time.
"Ah man, Marco! This movie is even better than the last one." Tom said.
"I know Tom." Marco sighed in delight. "This is the life, right? Just me and you chillin and relaxing with our good buddy, Mackie Hand. Why can't we do this more often?" He asked.
"I don't know, buddy. But what I do know is this. I can't think of anyone I'd rather spend this time with than you, Marco Diaz." Tom replied.
"Amen, bro. Amen!" Marco fist bumped his new demon friend in agreement. "Wow. I can't believe we just fist bumped. You'd practically never do that to me before."
"Yeah." Tom sighed. "To think that a few months ago, I was actually going to kill you to get Star to be mine. And now, here we are acting like friends. Honestly, I think I like this better than trying to eliminate you."
Marco chuckled nervously at that memory. "Yeah. Me too." Marco said. "Good to know that we both have a lot in common. And now, we're not even letting a girl come between us anymore."
"You said it, bro." Tom agreed. They were both just sitting on the couch for another few minutes until a portal suddenly opened up in front of them. "What the?!" They both said in surprise. "Jinx! You owe me a soda."
"Dang it!" Marco said in joyful annoyance as he was about to do the same to Tom. However, that thought was immediately put out of his mind as he returned focus to the red portal in front of them. And stepping out of it was none other than the inter-dimensional, demonic entity that caused Marco to age into a 30-year-old warrior in her dimension. The forger of all dimensional scissors, Hekapoo.
Hekapoo came out of the portal to find Marco and it looked like she wasn't very happy since she had a pretty angry look on her face. "Um. Hey H-poo. How's it going?" Marco nervously greeted.
"Don't you give me that, Marco Diaz!" Hekapoo shouted back angrily, much to Marco's surprise. "You know why I'm here right, don't you?" She asked.
"Uggh, well-" Marco began until Hekapoo cut him off.
"I'm here because I've got a problem with the antics that you've been pulling in the Never-Zone. I know what you've been doing." She glared at Marco with an accusing finger. "What is this that I'm holding here?" Hekapoo asked, pulling a loaded garbage bag from behind her back.
"A trash bag?" Marco answered.
"A trash bag that's only one of hundreds of others that I found dumped into the Never-Zone, and near my house, no less!" She finished.
Marco realized what she was talking about and smiled sheepishly.
"I know how you've been dumping your trash into my dimension, Marco. So, now you're using those dimensional scissors I gave you to throw your garbage anywhere you want, huh? Well, maybe I'll just take them back."
"No no no! Please H-poo, I'm sorry. I won't dump garbage in your dimension ever again, I promise. Just please, don't take my scissors away." Marco begged on his knees, much to Hekapoo's amusement as she let her anger subside. Tom was watching the whole thing from next to the couch. And as he looked at the woman scolding Marco, he couldn't believe his eyes.
She was absolutely beautiful, with not only her looks, but also, her sheer rage and the fire growing around her that seemed to build up with her anger. She was almost like a female version of him and he loved it.
"Okay fine. I'll let you keep your scissors." Marco sighed in relief. But his relief was short-lived once Hekapoo's flames of anger quickly engulfed her entire body as she grabbed him by his hoodie. "But start throwing more garbage in my dimension again, and I swear, I'm going rip your flesh off!" She threatened, and then let Marco go before leaving back through her portal. Marco thought she would just close the portal and be done with it, but not before sticking her head through it to give him one last message. "By the way, are we still on for Dragon-cycling next week?"
"Wouldn't miss it!" Marco answered.
"Great. See ya, Marco Diaz." Hekapoo said while blowing Marco a kiss and then leaving through the portal before it closed. Tom watched everything and then became enraged at Marco. He looked Tom with fear and didn't feel like dealing with 2 angry fire demons in one day. "What's the matter, Tom?"
"Who was that, Marco?" Tom angrily asked. "That was Hekapoo, the maker of all dimensional scissors. Remember, I told you about her once."
"You didn't say she was so awesome." Tom replied.
"Wait, Tom do you like her?"
"Yeah, so? She's awesome. She's angry, has a flaming temper and she's so much like me. I have got to go talk to her."
Marco was confused by what Tom just said. "Seriously, Tom? Come on, she's way out of your league." Marco commented.
"Oh yeah, Diaz? You must think you're really something, don't you? I saw her blow you a kiss. Did you date her?" Tom asked.
"Well, I wouldn't call it a date, but we did go Dragon-cycling together a few times." Marco answered.
"I'll show you, buddy. I'm going to talk to her right now!" Tom disappeared in his usual flame, probably going to Hekapoo's home in the Never-Zone.
Marco thought he could just ignore it and let it go, but then again, he was worried that Tom might come after him if it didn't work out. So, using his dimensional scissors, he opened a portal and went to her dimension to stop Tom himself.
They both arrived at the same place simultaneously, with Tom being surprised by Marco's sudden muscular and heroic-looking appearance. He brushed it off as they both knocked on Hekapoo's door. She answered and was quite surprised to see the two of them again so soon.
"What are you guys doing here?" She asked.
"Hey there, Hekapoo. The name's Tom, Tom Lucitor. Prince of the underworld. Bet you've heard of me." But Hekapoo just stood silent with her arms folded and an unamused look on her face.
She then walked behind them to open a portal back to earth and then grabbed the two of them by the back of their shirts. "Look, if you guys don't mind, today is my day off from council service, and I really don't feel like dealing with you two right now. So if you please..." She said before throwing them through the portal and back to earth, where they landed back in Marco's living room.
"What does she see in you anyway, Marco?!" Tom asked.
"We're not dating, Tom. We just hang out sometimes." Marco answered. But then Tom grew a smug look and tried a different game with him.
"Yeah, I get it. She's way too pretty for someone like you anyway."
"What's that supposed to mean?!" Marco asked in irritation. "You think I'm not cool enough for her? Why don't you put your money where your mouth is?" He challenged.
"It's on, safe kid!" Tom accepted, much to Marco's dismay at being referred to by his usual nickname.
Over the next few days, Marco and Tom began competing for Hekapoo's attention. They tried to hit on her, much to her annoyance, send her gifts and do anything they could to get her to date them. But so far, all of their efforts proved unsuccessful as they only resulted in driving Hekapoo crazy and getting on her nerves.
The final straw came when she once again angrily kicked them out of her home and back to earth. "...and if I see you two in my house one more time, you're gonna get fried! Now leave me alone!" Hekapoo yelled before closing the portal.
"Maybe we should stop this, Tom? I think she's had enough of us. Let's let her cool down." Marco suggested, but Tom instantly refused.
He sighed as they once again used their means of inter-dimensional travel to go to Hekapoo's place. But this time, something was very different about it. For one thing, Marco wasn't in his muscular adult form. And when they stood in front of Hekapoo's house, the front door was absolutely massive to them.
"What's going on? Did we just shrink!?" Marco asked in shock.
"I think so, Marco. It must've been some kind of malfunction with your scissors and my fire portal." Tom assumed.
They were truly shrunken somehow, and now stood at about 2 or 3 inches tall. "We've gotta do something! Maybe Hekapoo can help us out." Tom said.
"Right. We'd better get her help." Marco agreed. They thought they could get her attention. But how could they get her attention?
What happened next?
1. Hekapoo opened the door for them.
2. They teleported into her living room.
3. They teleported into her bathroom.
4. They teleported into her kitchen.
5. Something else.