"Hmm! Mmmmmm~" Giving your current body a good stretch you decide to simply enjoy and finish Dialga's shower for now. There's no rush, you have all the time in the world to enjoy this amazing body after all. "Hehe, time eh?" Mmm just hearing her voice sends fuzzy feelings all over your body. You weren't aware of it since you were incorporeal up until just now but you can already tell it is a hot day, on where a cold shower is very much welcome. Taking things slow you move your hands all over your new body. Softly, slowly, you spread the water over yourself, just relaxing and getting used to your new body. Dialga seemed to have a decently fit body. Lean and with a bit of fat in the right spots to give her some nice curves.
Just staying under the spray of water like this feels amazing, however you know you can't do this forever, so you pick up what appears to be a liquid soap bottle. The brand shows a mixture of berries, and it indeed smells like sweet fruits. Stopping the water for a bit you spread the soap all over. It falls a few times due to you not being used to having hands that end with claws or how to hold things with these but it doesn't matter. Eventually you restart the water and clean yourself. Once that is done and the water stops you open the glass door of the shower and grab a towel that's hanging nearby. You dry yourself a bit and step out, taking a quick look at the big mirror over the handwasher. Dalgia's bright red eyes look back at you from the reflection, a happy expression on her face. You strike a pose chuckling a bit to yourself and leave making sure not to leave the floor overly wet. Your mind wanders to one time in which in a haste you ran out of the shower to hurry to work only to slip and fall in a really bad way over your right arm. Thankfully it wasn't anything too serious but it still hurt like hell. Ever since you made sure to be careful after taking showers.
Before long you arrive at Dialga's room, and this time you take a proper good look at it. The whole room was big, with a slick and futuristic looking design in furniture. The king sized bed at one end of the room in perfect state with covers that have a pattern of black and silver. Next to it there's a door which you assume it's a closet where Dalgia keeps most of her clothing. At the left side of the bed you see a wall that's mostly glass-doors with blinds attached to it that lead to a terrace, the view of the whole city you're in is quite something to look at from it. Following along the next side of the room houses an impressive looking computer setup. Two monitors in the desk and another one on top, an slighly curved keyboard and a very comfy looking chair are what catch your eyes first. There seems to be an expensive sound system attached to it, as well as a tablet with a screen and a pen on top. There's an empty coffee cup on it as well as a photo of what seems to be Dialga and Palkia next to each other, smiling to the camera. Just looking at the photo you can see that Palkia is nothing to scoff at, her body a similar build to Dalgia. Slightly bigger breasts than Dialga but not by much, you can see that Dialga has her beaten in the hips department though. You may be wrong but the photo makes you assume that Palkia and Dialga don't live in the same house, but it feels like they keep in contact often. In a way that may be good, as no one will interrupt you in your private time. Following along next to the computer is a shelf with a collection of books and magazines. You don't see anything noteworthy at first glance but there may be stuff to see if you take an actual look at it. Lastly the wall to the right of the bed has a big full body mirror near the feet of the bed as well as the biggest TV you have ever seen in your life. Hoo boy it uses most of the wall space. It practically is a personal cinema in what concerns you.
Realizing you had your mouth agape you close it and take one last look at the whole room and decide to finish drying yourself up properly. You've left the floor a bit wet but nothing that can't be taken care of in short time. After it is all done you make a spring towards the bed and jump face first on it. It's. So. Soft!. You could loose yourself for hours just laying down on it. It is also a bit bouncy and seems to resist your weight pretty well. It has a sweet floral scent that makes you rube your face over it, your new tail swinging around happily from your slightly raised hips. Laying on your back with your arms and legs spread you stretch a bit and relax.
"Ahhhhhh~... it's so comfy~." You simply lay there for a bit. You probably have enough time to enjoy this before you have to do anything. "Not to mention Dialga was the Legendary of Time." You say in her sweet voice. But now that you've already relaxed comes the choice of what you want to do now. You could have some of that, private time, you were thinking of before entering this incredible body and enjoy it to the fullest. Or you could also maybe just laze around for a bit. You want to take it slow, enjoy every moment, every movement you make as this drop gorgeous Pokemon lady.