Mr. Grayton was an old burly white man with greying hair that usually stood tall, towering at 6'1 over Atkinson High : his school, his domain, his life's work.
But today, the Californian school director was sitting at his desk with his head in his hand, pondering. In the last few weeks, a whirlpool of never-seen-before events and issues had hit his establishment, forcing him to rethink most of his educational policies.
At first, he thought of the events as nothing more than the vagaries of life. Surely, it has already happened before that a meek student's P.E. grades quickly skyrocketed as they beat the school's Junior 400 metres record at age 12 and with little prior training. Little Molly was simply gifted and, after all, that's the right age for her puberty to finally kick in.
Then, he tried to attribute them to mere coincidences, for what else could explain that the recent spike in grades in all age groups and across all subjects exclusively benefited his white students and, in a lesser way, his mixed-race pupils who were of partly European descent? No, no, no, this must be a fluke. It will probably disappear with the next batch of exams. What was he thinking ?
Finally, he resorted to pseudo-sociological leaps of logic : sure, his white students were clearly outpacing the others in every way and this was not by mere chance. But the reason for this, he figured, was that these students must have recently formed strong bonds, leading them to studying and training together more often. And everyone knows that working with friends doubles the motivation and, thus, enhances results. Now, he simply needed to map out these social networks and lead an anti-segregation campaign that would allow all the learners of his school to be included!
He found out soon enough that his white students were the most competitive against each other, that most of them did not have more than a handful of close friends they sometimes study with, and that a lot of them were actually quite lazy, sometimes not studying for days on end, often skipping entire schooldays and still acing their tests after a quick read of their course, right before entering the exam room.
There was no more denying the facts : his white students were
inherently better then the others.
Their bodies were naturally stronger and leaner, their minds were quicker and sharper, they had little to no shyness or social anxiety anymore. Heck, the teenagers among them were barely ever seen sporting the slightest hint of acne !
And they just grew up so fast ! Especially in the youngest grades, when they were asked to get in line by order of size for P.E., one could clearly see that whiteness and size were more than lightly correlated.
Mr. Grayton was always a progressive man who firmly believed that although human races were different, no race could be said to be
superior to the other for what would "superior" even
Well, effortless physical fitness, faster academic growth and natural social skills could be a good definition.
With his old convictions shattered, Mr. Grayton reluctantly grabbed the files on his desk. He looked at his watch, 10:40. Good, his little introspection didn't last too long.
The first document was the report of the state M.D. who performed the annual medical checkup. He read it thoroughly.
All students healthy, except a few cases of belated puberty and two kids with some abnormal heartbeat patterns that will have to be investigated.
Then came detailed appendix titled
"Widespread Abnormalities Within the White Population" ▼Young white students were all precocious, exceeding the size, weight and genital development for their age. The cognitive tests showed similar results.
One additional observation was that of no less than 8 cases of spontaneous myopic regression!
As for the older white students, there was some additional discrepancies:
-On 47 cases, the blood sampling for testing had to be done in more than one try because the needle would break upon trying to pierce the skin.
-Their musculature was far more developed than expected when accounting for the data from the "Lifestyle and Activities" form.
-In 22% of female students, mammary volume exceeded the national mean by 90% or more.
-In 30% and 23% of female students, hips and gluteus maximus muscular hypertrophy could be identified, respectively. 22% also had a 72% gluteofemoral fat excess when compared to the national female average.
-In 32% of male students, testicular volume exceeded the national mean by 60% or more.
-In 39% of male students flaccid penile length exceeded the national mean by 100% or more.
-There seems to be a widespread desensitization to pain among them, which would be an issue if their body's durability didn't similarly seem to be enhanced.
-The behavior of non-white staff and student around them prompts for a serious research for possible human pheromones : a significant scientific discovery, if it were to be conclusive!
At least, that's the gist of it.
Lastly, a note from Dr.DeShawn read :
Dear Mr. Grayton,
It is paramount that we investigate the causes and spread of the discrepancies I reported. I have already measured similar results in other schools. Yours is not an isolated case. Please, Mr. Grayton, allow me to further test some of your students. It is a matter of public health as well as a need for the advancement of Science !
Dr. DeShawn M.D.
The director sighed and looked at his watch again...
Wait, this can't be right.
This report is 11 pages long!
He looked at the clock above the door of his office.
No doubt : 10:42
It had taken him less than 2 minutes to read and analyze this document.