"Oh shoot! I forgot, I have to go home and prepare for a family visit tonight, I was going to see if you wanted to come over. I'll have to leave you here, be safe!" Bridgette regrettably informed Jack. Jack replied "All good, I understand. Thanks!". With that brief back and forth, the two went their separate ways. The good thing was, now that Jack was alone, he could transform back to normal size, which he promptly did. Afterwards, he opened the case of his phone and took a key to his house out of it and unlocked the door. Jack went inside and collapsed on the couch. What a day.
"Oh crap!" he thought. "I forgot my backpack!". Jack leaned up to go call someone, but decided he could probably get it back in the lost and found tomorrow and laid back down. With nothing else to do and already so tired, Jack dozed off, only to wake about a half an hour later to the sound of the front door opening. Jack jolted awake and in walked Izzy and one of her volleyball friends, Jocelyn.
"Hey, loser, I'm back" Izzy taunted. Jack chuckled and responded "How did practice go, nerd". Izzy shrugged. "It went okay, nothing too bad but nothing excellent either". Jack turned and saw Jocelyn. "Hey, how's it going" he greeted. The girl just gave him a nod and a shy wave in response. Izzy laughed. "I see you two are already getting along swell, I may as well declare myself a third wheel immediately". Jack rolled his eyes. Izzy and Jocelyn came over to the couch. Spontaneously, Izzy leapt onto Jack.
"Izzy, you idiot, get off me" Jack demanded. Both Izzy and Jocelyn laughed. Once Izzy got off Jack, she invited Jocelyn over to join her on the couch. There was silence for a few moments until an ominous rumble broke the silence.
"Uh oh, I might have to let loose you guys" Izzy giggled. Jack made a break for the kitchen knowing what was about to happen, but Izzy caught his arm and wrestled him to the ground. Pinning Jack's arms under her legs, Izzy spun around and gave Jack a panoramic view of her spandex-clad butt. "Izzy! Don't!" Jack pleaded. Instead of stopping, Izzy lowered her butt closer to Jack's face. He managed to get one arm free and tried pushing her off, but instead, caused her to fall on his face. The moment her ass touched Jack's face, Izzy let one rip.
"MMMPH!" Jack screamed, but was muffled by Izzy's padding. The fart went on for a few seconds longer and when it was over, Izzy fell over in hysterics. Even Jocelyn, who was in the background, was laughing. Jack gasped for air and coughed. "Izzy, dammit, you suck!". Izzy rolled her eyes and giggled. "Jocelyn, you want a turn? I'll hold him down for you" Izzy offered. Jack immediately got up. "Oh no, that's not happening. I'll just go to my room for now" Jack intervened. The two girls remained in the living room and giggled.
Back in his room, Jack contemplated pulling a prank on Izzy. Now that he had this shrink ray, he could shrink down and startle her. Or he could wait until Lucy got home and get her involved. Or does he decide against it?