The girls' flirtation had worked. Jack seemed to have fallen for them so hard that he couldn't even count correctly.
"I'm just kidding ladies. I would love to go, please take me with you" Jack muttered. The girls smirked at each other and Mia looked back to Jack.
"Then you wouldn't mind if I kept you here?" she motioned to her boobs. Jack shook his head, and Mia brought him up to her face and kissed him. "You made the right decision, Jack, we're going to have a wonderful time". Once she finished, Mia lowered Jack into her breasts and patted him on the head.
"Feel okay, little guy? I hope I don't have to use my other carriage" Mia sarcastically remarked, casually referencing her ass. Jack once again shook his head and said, "I'm fine, Mia. I don't mind being where I'm at, I'm comfortable". Mia giggled and Nicole snickered. "That's good, that's good. You look tired, Jack, want to take a little nap?" Mia soothed. With a yawn, Jack nodded his head. "Okay, well maybe this will help you some then" she said as she gently pushed Jack further into the depths of her cleavage. Soon enough, Jack's head was barely visible, but both Mia and Nicole could tell that he had passed out. Their plan had worked. They now have a new boy toy all to themselves.
Jack finally came to, and felt pressures to both his left and right. With very little visibility, Jack had no idea where he was at. He tried to move both of his arms, but neither budged. He tried to move his lower body, but to the same result. Jack's mind started to race trying to figure out what had happened. Then it hit him. He had allowed Nicole and Mia's flirting to break through his barriers and corrupt him. He was still trapped within the seemingly endless cleavage of Mia, with no hopes of escaping. With nothing else to do, Jack began belittling himself for being so weak and allowing two of his school's most stereotypical hoes to take him.
Meanwhile, above, Mia started to feel Jack squirm around. She giggled. He did this to himself, and now he could do no more. Jack had fallen into her trap, and for the moment being, he was hers. Not long after Jack started squirming, Mia and Nicole had arrived at Mia's house, to a lack of any parental figures. Mia's parents both had to work late, so Mia was in charge of running the house,
which was a golden opportunity for her and Nicole to attract persons for their "fun and games".
First and possibly only contestant: a miniature sized Jack.
What do the two ladies begin with?