…go see the homeless woman again keeps coming across his mind despite not wanting to get caught by her after what he did to her. Killing her multiple times, but bringing her back to life multiple times. Knowing that he can do such a thing with the scythe made him feel a little more at ease with this whole thing. To a point that he kind of felt like going do it again, so he gathered his composure back into one piece, breathing in and out a few times before looking at the magical scythe for a moment. Where he then makes his way out of his house and back along the path he ran down earlier, loosing his mind from what he had done.
Thinking he just killed a homeless woman, but he really didn’t, he just temporarily inconvenienced her life. As he walks down the path the, getting closer and closer to the homeless camp is near the woods, he begins to hear way more than before, he hears the moans of the woman along the moans of some men, “oh crap.” Darren says quietly to himself knowing that the men finally came back.
Judging by all the moaning coming from their camp, they must have found the their woman in two pieces and decided to just have some fun with her. Something that scares Darren, but also intrigues him as he wants to see what they’re doing back there, so he decides to go against his better judgment and goes back there. Slowly making his way closer and closer until he finds the area in the tall grass he hid in earlier, so he gets back down behind the tall grass again and parting some of it he looks directly into the homeless camp to see a sight to be hold.
Making his eyes go wide and his mouth to hang open as he sees two homeless men sitting beside each other on a fallen tree both taking turns letting their bodiless woman suck on their smelly dicks. Then near their small fire he sees the woman rather sexy headless body kneeling over another homeless man who is pumping his smelly dick into her smelly vagina while another is pumping his smelly dick into her asshole. While a third homeless man has his smelly dick between her big pale freckled breasts, her body using its tits to jerk off his smelly dick.
Where Darren instantly gets hard from seeing this happening before his eyes, watching the homeless men have their way with their woman who is in two piece for a reason they don’t know. Letting them have their fun a little while longer until Darren decides to use the scythe on the men now. He wasn’t sure how he was going to do that without getting caught, that is until he figures if he switches the scythe to the off position he could get away with a few of them. However, if he does that, then the woman will die again which would probably freak the men out.
Thinking of all of that in his head, trying to figure out how to do this when he decides to try to get all of the men when they have their orgasms, usually their eyes are closed when they do. Luckily for Darren, it seems that the men were very close as he watches all of them, almost at the same time begin having their orgasms, so jumping to action, Darren quickly switches the scythe off. Runs out of his hiding position, where with quick movements and swipes of the scythe he lops off each of the homeless mens heads.
Causing the two over on the fallen tree to have their heads go flying as they both grunt from getting decapitated, blood spurting out of their necks. While their now headless bodies twitch and fall backwards into the ground convulsing from their orgasms. While woman’s bodiless head tumbles to the ground from dying once again. Then the three that we’re having sex with their woman’s headless body, their heads all fall to the ground and roll different directions. As their now headless bodies begin convulsing rather violently as their orgasms continue, still pumping their loads into their woman’s headless body as her body convulses violently as well from its orgasm. Her body squirting on their smelly dicks while the third homeless guys body stumbles backwards and falls to the ground as it’s load spurts out of its smelly dick onto its own body.
With all of them now decapitated and dead, their bodies still twitching from the nerves, Darren quickly hides again and switches the scythe back on. Where he immediately hears loud gasps coming from all of the men and the woman as they come back to life. Where he peaks out of his hiding spot, watching their headless bodies all stand up, feeling themselves up before fumbling around a bit until sees a fat chubby hairy one pick up the black man’s head. Then he sees the tall skinny one pick up the fat guys head, followed by the muscular black one pick of the pale skinny guys head. Then he sees these two super pale chubby hairless ones pick up the woman’s head, holding her together. While her body has both of the guys pale bearded heads.
Despite all being in to pieces and being held by someone else’s body, they don’t seem to bothered by that fact or even by the fact that they were all dead a few minutes ago. Instead they seem to be all very turned on by this whole bodiless and headless fiasco they found themselves in. As the woman’s body sets the two guys bearded heads down on the ground facing up before kneeling over them. Where they begin licking her smelly holes as her body plays with her tits. Then the black guys body puts the skinny guys head down on the ground facing up and proceeds to sit it’s smelly muscular ass right on his face.
Followed by the fat hairy guys body sitting on the fallen tree where he proceeds to uses the black guys mouth like a fleshlight, making him suck and slurp on his short smelly dick. While the tall skinny guys body puts the fat guys head on a tree stump, holding his head in place as he face fucks him. As for the woman, she finds herself getting swapped back and forth sucking their smelly dicks, sucking their smelly sweaty balls and even eating out their smelly sweaty asses. Which they all seem to be enjoying very much as Darren just watches on for a while as he begins rubbing his erect cock through his boxer briefs for what felt like forever, but it really was only ten minutes when he sees all the bodies orgasming again.
Making him want to orgasm too, but he wanted to do it in a weird way, so he switches the scythe off causing all of the men and the woman to die once again. Leaving their bodies motionless on the ground again, this time though he walks right up to all of them. Specifically over to the homeless woman’s body, where he picks her body up, putting it over his shoulder. Where he was about to carry her body back to his house when he decides to do something else, he puts her body down. Where he then puts he two pale bearded guys heads neck to neck, then he cuts the tall skinny guys long dick and hairy balls clean off. Followed by lining up the woman’s head with his crotch.
After that, he decides to line up the black guys neck with the fat chubby hairy guys body only backwards before leaving them all to wake up and get attached in weird ways. Finally he picks up the headless woman’s body again along the long skinny dick and brings her body to his house, bringing her body inside. Setting her body down on the spare bed where he takes off his boxer briefs where he then proceeds to cut her vagina off and replaces it with the skinny guys long skinny dick and hairy balls. Which will attach once he switches the scythe back to on, which he does just that resulting her the dick and hairy balls to attach to the woman’s crotch. Where her body instantly springs to life, it sits up on the bed feeling it’s naked body, feeling it big tits, rubbing its hands down her some what pudgy belly before realizing it now has a dick and a set of hairy balls. At first it was hesitating to touch it, but after a few pokes the woman’s headless body wraps a hand around it and begins stroking it right in front of Darren.
While that happens, back at the homeless camp things go exactly the way Darren had interned it to happen. The two chubby bearded guys heads attach neck to neck, the black guys head attaches to the fat hairy guys body backwards and the woman’s head is now attached directly the tall skinny man’s crotch. Which they all had no clue how it happened to them, but again they seem to not care all that much while the bodies that no longer have heads attached to them. Seem to have gained a consciousness of their own like the black guys body, the woman’s body and the two super pale chubby hairless guys bodies.
However, who do we focus on now, Darren and the homeless woman’s headless body or the scene at the homeless camp?