You have some trouble deciding whether to fight or flee, but you have to admit, the idea of watching a battle between giant Pokemon (giant compared to you, at least) is fascinating. You also can tell Chimchar is ready to battle, eager to protect her trainer. It may not be safe to start a battle now, but it would be fun, and Chimchar seems willing to do it, so you decide to try fighting.
“Okay, Chimchar!” you yell. “Ready to fight?”
Chimchar glances back and gives you a thumbs-up, grinning widely.
“Great! Then use Ember!”
The battle begins, and Chimchar spits a small fireball at Shinx, but the wild Pokemon dodges. Shinx runs at Chimchar, trying to headbutt her. She dodges, but because you were standing behind Chimchar, this means Shinx is now going to trample you! You quickly run to the side, barely evading the Shinx as it comes charging by. You’re a bit worried the wild Pokemon may try to attack you, but it barely pays any attention to you, more focused on its Pokemon opponent.
“Ember again!” you yell. “Keep away from it! Don’t let it get close!”
Chimchar is quite agile and fast, and she’s able to hop around the area, spitting fireballs while evading Shinx whenever it charges at her. Chimchar even lands a couple hits, but they aren’t very strong. Shinx is clearly getting frustrated. It stomps the ground and roars. You can’t help but smile, because it looks rather cute when it’s angry.
You watch the fight and keep cheering your starter on, making sure to keep your distance. Before long, it’s obvious Shinx is losing, although Chimchar has been hit with a couple tackles by now. But Chimchar’s flame on her rump is still burning brightly, so you know she’s still got plenty of energy, and you know you can win the battle with just a couple more hits.
“Okay, Chimchar!” you yell. “Keep it up! We’ve almost got it!”
Shinx growls and backs away from Chimchar, and you can tell it’s considering whether to run away...