With some hesitation, you decide it might actually be best to run away. You don’t want to risk having Chimchar get knocked out at a time when you’re so vulnerable without her.
“Chimchar!” you shout at her. “Change of plans! Retreat!”
The giant primate looks back at you and cocks her head to the side. “Cha? Chi?” she asks.
Suddenly, the Shinx charges and lunges at the distracted Chimchar, its jaws wide open. You point at it and shout, “Look out!”
Chimchar turns around and sees the attacking feline just in time to dodge to the side. The wild Pokémon lands where she was standing and bites the air. You stumble back in surprise, because now the Shinx is very close to you. It’s practically looming above you. It looks down at you and growls.
“Shi!” it cries, preparing to lunge and bite at you.
Luckily, Chimchar won’t let that happen. She spits an ember at the Shinx, who cries out and backs away from you. You look over at your starter Pokémon and see that she’s rushing towards you on all fours. Before you know it, she’s reached you, and you see one of her hands coming at you. You’re roughly snatched up in her fist, and you scream in surprise as your feet leave the ground. Chimchar lifts you up and holds you to her chest as she continues to run away from the Shinx, using her feet and her free hand to lope forward.
Held in the grasp of your giant Pokémon, you suddenly get a flashback to an old movie you watched once, in which a giant Slaking rampages in a city and kidnaps a woman. After seeing that movie, a part of you always wondered what it might feel like to be grabbed by a giant hand, and now you know the answer. Chimchar’s hand is soothingly warm and soft, but her grip is also more painful than you expected, since she’s squeezing you very tightly to avoid dropping you. This also means you’re completely immobilized except for your head. You ignore the strong urge to squirm, since you know it would be pointless.
Your entire forward view is comprised of the fuzzy, cream-colored chest of your Pokémon, so you can’t see if the Shinx is pursuing you. You look over your shoulder, in the direction Chimchar is moving, and see she’s going towards a tree. Without missing a beat, the primate leaps at the trunk and begins to clamber up it. She moves quickly and skillfully, even though one of her hands is occupied with holding you. You gulp as you see the ground getting farther and farther away. You hope your starter doesn’t drop you by accident.
Soon, Chimchar stops climbing the trunk and steps out onto a thick branch. She sits down and closes her eyes. She’s breathing heavily. She takes a minute to catch her breath, then lifts you up to her face and smiles. You smile back.
“Great job!” you say. “That was a perfect escape!”
“Chim, chi chi,” she says, smirking and winking at you. Your compliment inflated her ego, it seems.
You try to look down at the ground to see if the Shinx is there, but you can’t see past Chimchar’s hand. You look at her and ask, “Hey, do you see the Shinx anywhere?”
She leans forward and looks down from the tree branch. What does she see?