Riley decided that her first factory tour tomorrow was a great idea. She'd get a very complete tour of the factory and not have to actively clean everything up. And maybe, just maybe, she'd get a chance to taste some of the sweets alongside the patrons. Which was a bonus; a bonus theoretical but still quite alluring.
"I'll take that factory tour. Do I just come in and..."
"Come on in and meet up with me. We'll join in on the main group. Just be on your best behavior, we'll even get fancy jumpsuits for the occasion."
Riley smiled at the suggestion and with that went off her lunch break. After an hour or two or more menial tasks, Riley soon came back to her apartment complex. She walked there, knowing for a fact that the local area barely had any crime rate. She came inside and looked around her surprisingly immaculate home. True, there were some sheets here and there, but it looked serviceable. In the back, she could see a certain someone there for her.
"Yo, Larry, how you doing?" She told a squirrel. Known for its bitten ear, the little rodent stood diligently behind her window. She met the little guy over two years ago and she enjoyed his company. He always came by to taste her peanuts she liked to cook over a stove. A riveting life for sure, but it was a life she enjoyed. After a few, one-sided, conversations Riley went off to dreamland. Tomorrows secrets laid before her.
She woke up after work and swiftly got herself prepared. Shower, breakfast, clean clothes. Everything was prepared and Riley went forth to get to the factory. Quickly clocking herself into work, Riley stood before her supervisor. The two exchanged some words, before dressing in their 'snazzy' looking jumpsuits. Which were much more slick in design than what they normally wore. Completely white, the symbol for their factory was nestled in their bosom. The hefty woman did question why it was white though, any stains that came onto it would show quite obviously. But was assured that that wouldn't be the case.
The duo stalked through the winding halls of the factory until finally hitting the main lobby. Which, Riley swore wasn't as extravagant looking as what she saw now. Banners, colorful seats, quirky looking woman, all were here. She let out a whistle, she did not expect such comical, yet surprisingly elegant looking, furnishings from the boss. Katie patted her shoulder in assurance.
"Quite a sight, *burp*" She sputtered out. The woman blushed at the noise but Riley ignored it for the sake of her supervisor's dignity. Soon, the doors opened at out from it came several woman. Each accompanied by what appeared be family, or maybe friends. Riley watched, her eyebrows raised, she only thought there would be seven ladies. But, she didn't make the rules; the hefty lass made herself presentable while the women walked in.