Tom sprinted towards his classroom, knowing that he wouldn't make it in time. As he came up to the building he looked down at his phone. It was already 8:01 AM.
He came to a stop. His first class of his college career, and he already fucked it up. He leaned against a wall and caught his breath. A thought occurred to him.
"Wait," he mumbled to himself, "I didn't sign up for the 8 AM slot for this class, I signed up for the 1 PM slot. Right?"
He rummaged around in his pockets and pulled out a piece of paper that showed his first classes for the day. There was his course schedule, and sure enough, his history class was supposed to start at 1 PM
"Wait, no, no, I remember trying to sign up for the 1 PM slot, but it was already full, so I had to pick the 8 AM slot." He stared at the paper in confusion. He nearly dropped it was he saw the ink shifting around in the page, erasing itself and rewriting itself as though edited by an unseen hand. The schedule now clearly showed that he was supposed to start at 8.
He paused for a second, hoping against hope that this would work. "No, I had signed up for the 8AM session, but one of the students in the 1 PM session had a scheduling conflict and switched places with me. I'm currently enrolled for the 1 PM course."
Once again, the paper rewrote itself to show that he was enrolled in the afternoon slot.
"Holy shit," whispered Tom. "I'm magic. I'm fucking magic!" He looked around the hall he was standing in. The last student had walked into the classroom just as he arrived at the door. Nobody was around him.
It struck Tom that this was the perfect time for some experimentation.
"There's one more student running late," said Tom. "She's about to enter the building. She's hot."
He waited for a moment, and was about to give up and assume that he had lost his magic when he heard the door creak open. A young woman jogged in. She was a short woman with tan skin and long black hair, wearing a T-shirt that had some Greek letters that Tom didn't recognize written across the front. Tom also noticed that she was wearing yoga pants that showed off a decidedly generous backside.
She made it to the door, but stopped when she saw Tom.
"Are you late too?" she asked.
"Nah," said Tom, "I thought I was, but I got my times mixed up." She wants to stay and chat with me thought Tom. He wondered if thinking of things would cause them to change as well as speaking.
"Ah. Shit." She turned back from the door and gestured Tom over to some chairs in a nearby lounge area. She sat down. "Honestly, I might just drop the class. It's an elective for me, and I'm really not a morning person." She looked up at Tom. "I'm Judith, by the way."
"Nice to meet you." She was still breathing a bit heavily from her run over to the building.
Tom realized that he may have just controlled Judith's brain with a passing thought. Or did he? She could have just not wanted to arrive late at a class. He had heard that this professor was a stickler for punctuality. He needed to test this out again. He weighed his options. He could change something about Judith. He could try to mess with her head again. Or, alternatively, he could try to make it so that the professor was running late as well and Judith was still able to make it to class.
He decided...