"Fuck I hope I make it inside on time" Tom muttered to himself as he jogged toward his classroom door. He pulled out his phone and checked the time. "7:57? What the hell? I must be tripping out. Hopefully I can score an empty seat next to some hot chick."
Tom walked into his class, and surveyed the sea of taken seats, and caught a glimpse of a table in the way back with two empty chairs. He smiled at his professor as he made his way to his seat, observing his peers to determine whether or not he was going to enjoy this class or not. He sat down in one of the empty seats, and debated on if he should take out his laptop to take notes, seeing how it was only the first day.
"I hope we just introduce ourselves and leave" Tom whispered to himself. Just after he said that, his professor passed out the syllabus and announced that they'd start today off with introductions so that the class could get to know each other better. "So who would like to go first?" his professor asked loudly. There was a brief silence, and then the door opened.
In walked a cute light skinned African-American girl, wearing a crop top long-sleeve and some yoga pants. The entire class, including the professor turned to look and her, and the professor greeted her enthusiastically. "Hello there! You can be the first to introduce yourself since you came in late!"
She looked around the room, sighed, and then smiled. "Hi, I'm Aly and I'm a first-year here. I'm undeclared and I love sushi! While Aly spoke, Tome was busy checking her out. She was fairly skinny from what he could she, but he could tell that she was in shape. She was cute, but had absolutely no tits. "Well Aly, you could take the open seat next to that gentleman over there." The professor pointed to the seat right next to Tom.
Aly and Tom made eye contact, and she smiled at him, and walked over towards his table. She sat down and put her bookbag onto the floor. "Ah wait, here's an extra syllabus since you walked in later" the professor called out to Aly. She seemed a bit annoyed, but got up and walked over to the teacher's desk. Tom watched as she walked away, and his eyes immediately caught glimpse of her ass. It seemed somewhat out of place on her skinny body, as her thin legs were attached to two orbs that were trapped underneath a pair of yoga pants. Tom stared at Aly's ass until she turned back around to walk back to her seat, to which Tom quickly looked away so that she wouldn't catch him.
Aly sat back down, and said "Geez this professor is a dickhead. I didn't wanna be put on the spot like that". Tom laughed and said "well then maybe you should get to class sooner Mrs. I love Sushi". Aly laughed at that, and smiled at Tom.