At eleven years old, he stood at 5 feet tall and weighed 102 pounds. Zeke was no ordinary kid; he was a child actor, with a talent for performing that surpassed his years. His next role, however, posed a unique challenge that left him feeling both intrigued and apprehensive.
"I can't believe they want me to get fat for real," Zeke muttered to himself as he paced back and forth in his room. His parents, sitting on his bed, exchanged concerned glances.
"Zeke, honey, are you sure about this?" his mother asked, her voice laced with worry.
"I don't know, Mom. It's just... it's a big opportunity, but I'm not sure if I can do it," Zeke replied, chewing nervously on his lower lip.
His father spoke up, his tone firm yet supportive. "Son, it's ultimately your decision. But remember, your health comes first. We won't let you do anything that puts you in danger."
Zeke nodded, feeling a mix of determination and uncertainty swirling inside him. He knew the risks involved in gaining weight rapidly, but the allure of the role was undeniable.
The following day, Zeke met with the producers to discuss the details of his transformation. They explained that they wanted his character to gradually grow larger throughout the series, without the aid of fat suits or prosthetics.
"It's a bold move, I know," the head producer said, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "But we believe in your talent, Zeke. We know you can pull it off."
With a deep breath, Zeke agreed to take on the challenge. As he left the meeting, his mind raced with thoughts of how he would accomplish such a feat.
Over the next few weeks, Zeke embarked on a covert mission to fatten himself up. He started by sneaking extra snacks from the pantry, stuffing himself with cookies and chips whenever his parents weren't looking. At school, he would discreetly grab second helpings during lunch, relishing in the taste of greasy pizza and creamy macaroni and cheese.
Each day, Zeke could feel himself growing heavier, his clothes becoming tighter around his expanding waistline. Despite the discomfort, he pressed on, fueled by the promise of success in his upcoming role.
As the weeks turned into months, Zeke's transformation became increasingly noticeable. His once slender frame was now adorned with layers of soft, pliable flesh, his cheeks round and rosy from constant indulgence.
At home, his parents grew concerned as they watched their son's rapid weight gain. They tried to intervene, urging him to reconsider the role and prioritize his health. But Zeke remained steadfast in his determination, convinced that he was doing what was necessary to achieve his dreams.
Finally, the day of the first filming arrived. Zeke stood nervously in front of the camera, his heart pounding with anticipation. As the director called action, Zeke threw himself into the role with gusto, embodying the essence of his character with every fiber of his being.
As he finished filming the director called Zeke to his office and informed him that he was...