She looked down at her right hand and found that, thankfully, she was holding onto her phone so it shrunk with her. She quickly opened it back up to look through it, hopefully to see if it could help, though unfortunately, while there was still alot of battery-life left, it was unable to receive a signal that could send texts or calls. She thought about probably expecting that, unsure of how "logically" it would be able to transmit at this small size, but then again this was a first experience for her, possibly for anyone ever, so wasn't gonna distress over specifics.
What she was gonna distress over was that she lost her source of assistance and was now really all alone. Deep in her mind she knew she shouldn't try to force the despair since all that will do is bring her more pain. She was an adult, so she should treat this, impossible, situation from that perspective. She was also a self-admitted party diva, and knew always where to find the fun, so if she could just keep her mind busy, she should be able to get through this unusual predicament no problem.
Pulling back out her phone, she noticed all the regular apps still worked, including the camera, allowing her to snap some pics of herself and her environment. She pushed those "Is this really the time for that?" thoughts away, knowing at her micro size, there wasn't much else she could do, and when/if she gets back to normal, these pictures will be a fascinating and incredible capsule. It was here, with the shock having somewhat passed that she began to truly appreciate the spectacle of her surroundings, and decided to take the risk and explore.
With every which direction looking the same, she began to walk forward, unaware she was heading towards: