Soon, the Mare seems to top and brought a forehoof to her face or rather her chin, almost as if thinking something, you couldn't help but be a little startled by the sudden change of behavior, you were hoping that she didn't found you for some unexplainable reason but her suddenly brought down her hoof down you heard her giggling but it sounded almost.. perversely?
You were about to get close to her and walk in between the giantess mare legs and hooves and see her face but you stopped your tracks, catching an strong scent of strawberries and general sweets as you saw the large tail lifting up allowing you to see her rather round flanks and her privates on full displays, you blushed now completely on the mere sight, you were a bit startled seeing the winking bulbous clit coming in and out, the giantess mare seems to have an equinian reproductive system which makes sense given the similar physiology.
You couldn't help but continue staring, you knew it was wrong but for some reason, it felt even more wrong on ignore it, your eyes a d sight were fixated on those flanks round flanks and delicious looking vulva, it seemed so inviting.
Pinkie Pie giggles as she raised her tail, exposing her privates a bit but it was enough to feel the heated gaze come to her, she had been feeling like if somepony, male on that, was observing her and she knew it was this new pony or someone, she felt in her flanks that jiggled in a particular way and can only means that newcomer male was here in this very room but....
... She couldn't find him in everywhere!
Then remembered an thing.
She was in heat, her scent could incite the stallion or whatever male to look at her, enough to bring such stallion into her view, she had long been accustomed to the more annoying aspect of it wasn't unbearable but still a bit annoying but so long she is focused on something, it was alright.
She giggles again, she could feel him now, he was indeed looking at her alright if the feeling of hunger and want directed to her is to be believed, she was once had few colts and stallions looking at her but the only fully attempted to claim her. But it doesn't mean she won't stop now on giving lonely stallions and colts a piece of her pie but she getting off-topic, the idea was to look for the male salivating to mount her, maybe give him a full Welcome Party experience but she was starting to realize something.
What if the newcome is a tiny? It was possible. Breezies, or a pixy, or a fairy!
Regardless, that makes it even better! She have tons of love to give him this way, now that she thinks about it. But where he could be? If she were a tiny thing enthralled to mate with her, where she he could be?