Alice enjoyed the drive home with the bright sun shining down on her, the wind whipping through her hair from the opened door window, and the almost melodic clinking of the earring piercing her left ear. Alice pulled into the parking lot of her apartment complex, a new building in the downtown area and very popular for people her age. As she got out of the car she nearly tripped. Ever since she had left the market her legs had been feeling funny, tingly and slow to respond. She passed it off as nothing more than fatigue from walking around so much and pushed the thought to the back of her mind. Walking to the elevator was something of a challenge with Alice walking as if she had just finished a marathon, legs limply plopping along as she nearly dragged herself to the call button for the door. She punched it and waited, back slumped against the wall to prevent her from falling on her unsteady legs. Geez, did I really walk that much?, she thought, Guess I'll run a bath once I get home, maybe that'll help relieve the fatigue in my legs..
She rode the elevator in relative silence, reading some news articles off her phone as she waited for the doors to open on her floor. There was a ding and soon she was off toward her apartment. On the way there she nearly fell twice, once slamming into the wall and another time grasping a door handle to steady herself. Finally she reached her door and fumbled for the keys. The door opened and she all but fell into her apartment. She couldn't believe how tired her legs had become, they were almost unresponsive. Quickly she closed the door, not bothering to lock it since since she trusted her neighbors. She hobbled over to the bathroom and began to quickly strip as she let the water run until how. The tub was nearly halfway full by the time she had finished undressing, so Alice slumped down next to the tub and began to fiddle with the earring to take it off too. "Huh?" she gasped softly, "It won't come off?" Try as she might she couldn't seem to get the earring loose. "Hmm, must be busted. Glad I didn't spend too much to make that old lady happy." She looked at the filled tub of hot water, ready for her to soak in. "I can deal with this thing later...," she said as she pulled herself into the bathtub. She let out a contended sigh of relief as the warmth enveloped her. It seemed to be doing the trick, as a couple of minutes later her legs begin to feel better as well and the tingling had stopped.
Alice lay back in the tub, her head propped up by a towel as she enjoyed the sensation of the water. She closed her eyes, almost feeling like she could take a nap right there, when she heard a splashing sound. She opened her eyes and saw the strangest thing; her feet were kicking in the tub. Not that that in itself was strange, but what struck her as odd was that she wasn't consciously doing it. Her legs were moving all on their own. "What th-?" she began to say, but was cut off as her mouth dipped underwater. She had sunk into the water by several inches, which was accompanied by a slight sensation of falling. She pushed up on the sides of the tub, not quite registering why it felt easier than usual, and brought her chin back above the water line. Her legs had finished playfully splashing and were now rocking from side to side. Suddenly, her legs, and in fact he retire lower half rolled over so that her butt was facing the ceiling. But the upper half of Alice stayed as she was. Alice felt a scream rising in her throat as her confusion and terror began to intersect. The legs, her legs, pushed on the floor and got to their knees. As her hips and butt crested the water Alice could see that, somehow, she had been split in half. Rather than blood and guts, where there should have been a grotesque cross section of Alice's organs was a very fresh looking patch of unblemished skin. And, it most certainly was her lower half. The little heart cluster of hearts tattooed on the left of her crotch confirmed that. "Oh my god! What the- w-what the hell!" she screamed as the legs stood all the way up.
Suddenly, Alice's legs jumped out of the tub, wet and buck naked, and made a b-line for the bathroom door. Alice shrieked in confusion and lunged at her rogue legs...