"Um... you don't think that Sammy could be..." Shannon said fearfully, holding the very last bite of burger in between her lips already. Her stomach grumbled, but as desperately as she wanted to finish that last bite, whatever smallest instincts she had in regard to your safety were telling her to check it first. Slowly, Shannon withdrew the bite from nearly in her mouth, holding it out in front of her. She nervously lifted the bun off of her burger and scanned the last bit of ketchup-soaked meat beneath it. As she scanned the glob of ketchup she had almost assuaged her fears for your safety, until just as she was about to give up she spotted one arm poking up out of the sauce like zombie in a cheesy horror movie. Shannon gasped audibly before reaching down with two fingers and plucking your soaked body free from its burger-prison. You thanked every god you knew that you weren't taking a trip into your mother's stomach right now. You, sadly, know that you could survive that very same trip through her body without any permanent damage, but getting your mother's attention from inside the toilet bowl she was sitting on is easily one of the most embarrassing and awkward situations of your life, and you hope to never repeat it. Shannon held you in one hand and the burger in the other, too flabbergasted at the fact that she almost ate her son to react. After a few seconds though you noticed her move the hand opposite to you and throw the last bite of burger into her mouth! You had to watch and listen to one last gross bite of Shannon's chewing until she finally addressed you.
"Sammy! I almost ate you up! I'm so sorry!" She said down to you, still chewing her food slightly. You could tell that she did feel genuinely sorry about what just happened, but the fact that she took the time to take another bite before speaking to you felt slightly annoying to say the least. Just once do you wish that a near-miss like this would actually cause your mom to start being more observant, but you knew there wasn't a chance in hell at that happening.
Meanwhile, the entire process of your discovery and your mother's subsequent eating of the last bite of her food took place over no more than a few seconds, but to Stacy it felt like an eternity of stunned silence. She watched the entire thing unfold as she felt simultaneous relief as well as incredible embarrassment that she was even partly responsible for your current fate. In all honesty it was your decision to climb inside the sandwich that put you in danger in the first place, but that wasn't on Stacy's mind right now. She finally spoke up,
"Oh my god, mom! I should have told you that burger was for Sammy!"
"Oh no dear, it's not your fault, it was my big dumb appetite. You know I can't resist some good food when it's in front of me." Shannon responded. She wasn't lying either, despite her supermodel physique it seemed like Shannon could put away an ungodly amount of food when she was hungry. You shuddered just thinking about getting in the way of her when she was in the mood to eat. Shannon then continued, "I need to go clean off Sammy though, he's a little dirty to say the least."
Stacy nodded in agreement as Shannon turned to walk a bit towards the nearest concession stand. Upon reaching it she looked at the napkin dispenser and saw that it was empty! Scanning the area she saw no other source of napkins or bathrooms nearby. You saw the gears in her head turning as she tried to come up with a solution. Suddenly, her eyes opened slightly and you knew that she had an idea.
"Sorry about this, Sammy, but I don't know of any other way to clean you off. At least this way it's a win-win as well because I sure do love ketchup!" Shannon said down to you. She hadn't actually announced what her plan was to clean you, but as you felt your body raised towards her awaiting maw you trembled with the realization. Immediately Shannon tossed you into her mouth carelessly and you slammed into her tongue. You felt a powerful pressure and gross saliva drench your body further as Shannon began to suck the ketchup off of your body! Utterly disgusted and terrified of your current position, you had no other choice but to wait and hope that this plan wouldn't turn out poorly for you.
Shannon, meanwhile, felt bad about putting you in her mouth, knowing how much you disliked being in there, but there was no other way to clean you off. She focused all of her efforts onto sucking the ketchup off of you for roughly 30 seconds, actively thinking about your position so she wouldn't forget about you. However, at that very moment a strong breeze picked up and launched a piece of paper into Shannon's face! Quickly she yanked it off and held it out in front of her, reading about some contest the employees of the lake were holding in 15 minutes! As she read the details on the page, all thoughts of you vanished and she began to move whatever was in her mouth towards her teeth. Unconsciously Shannon chomped her teeth down upon the squishy object in her mouth, her mind registering that it must be some strange-flavored gum. Quickly, she finished reading and her eyes lit up with excitement. Turning around, she ran back towards Stacy in excitement, tossing her bikini-clad curves to and fro. You, meanwhile, were unaware of all of this, as your world was devastated by the repeated chewing of Shannon's powerful teeth.
Getting back to Stacy, chomping her gum loudly and smacking her lips, Shannon showed her daughter the flyer and said, "Stacy! We could definitely win this!"
What exactly does the flyer entail? But more importantly, will Stacy remind Shannon of you?