This choice: Mr. Incredible gets zapped • Go Back...Chapter #5Mr. Incredible gets zapped by: pixie  With the strange machine fully-powered up, Violet - aka Ultraviolet -- had to make a split-second decision: only one of her family members could be freed from the zero-point energy electrocuffs, if indeed that was what the interior switch she found with her forcefield powers actually did, to take action and save Jack-Jack from her evil clone's plans. Rose, a.k.a. Infrared, already knew her and her powers too well for her to have much of a chance to stop her. It would have to be one of the others, against whose powers the teenage supervillain hadn't really been tested.
Making her decision, Violet pushed the switch with her forcefield energy, tripping its function inside the dark machinery.
"Dad!" she yelled. "You're up!"
Mr. Incredible was an old hand at the superhero business, and he didn't need anything more than his daughter's signal to make his move. The electrocuffs, now depowered, clung to his wrists as useless junk, but he made use of them, ripping them free from their mountings and hurling them across the room at the massive machine occupying the far wall. With a deep rumbling and squealing of twisting steel, Mr. Incredible tore up the concrete floor beneath the machine, throwing Infrared off of her feet and sprawling to the other side of the room where she hit her head against the wall, knocked unconscious. He whipped around and caught the plastic cube containing his infant son before it hit the ground.
"All right, team, let's get you out of those restraints, and --" He looked down at the control console Infrared had been noodling around with, but realized he had no idea how any of the equipment worked. He began to search for the correct button that would power down the loudly humming machine or release his family from their restraints, but he heard the machine getting louder and realized he was running out of time. In frustration, he smashed the controls with one meaty fist, pounding the platform into the ground. But instead of shutting off, the machine glowed a bright blue and a high-pitched ringing filled his ears. He turned his huge body toward the machine, shielding his infant son and family from whatever effect it might have...
There was a bright flash of light that illuminated half of the city block as it flared, and the ensuing crackling sound could be heard for several minutes as the great machine powered down, its energy sources depleted. Firefighters were summoned and sirens began to howl down the streets of the district as emergency services arrived on the scene.
Inside the building, smoke filled the air. Elastigirl coughed, putting her fist out in front of her face to somehow ward away the smoke and thus realizing that her hands and feet were free from the electrocuffs. Apparently the restraining device had shut off when the strange machine fired, perhaps requiring all of its energy banks to power whatever effect Infrared had intended. "Is everyone okay?" she cried into the murky air. "Sound off! Kids! Bob! Jack-Jack!"
"I'm here!" Dash yelled. Before she knew it, Dash had run circles around his mother, clearing the air by creating a funnel that blew the smoke up into the rafters.
"Me, too," Violet croaked from beneath some of the rubble. Her forcefield had saved her from a collapsing ceiling support which had, in turn, crushed part of the zero-point energy restraint generator, robbing it of power. That explained their freedom, at least. Violet crept out from beneath her crackling purple globe of protective energy and let the debris fall behind her.
"Where's Jack-Jack?" Helen asked, trying to keep the rising panic out of her voice for the sake of the other kids. She was terrified that something had happened, but it wouldn't help anyone for her to get everyone worked up, too. "Bob? Are you okay?" She'd seen her husband take the brunt of a lot worse than a direct blast to the face, but she didn't know what kind of energy this was, and there was a first time for everything, good or bad.
"I'm okay," a muffled voice said from beneath a separate pile of debris fallen from the ceiling. "Jack-Jack's still with me. He's all right."
Helen sprinted to the far side of the room and began to remove debris from the pile, using her arms to pile the pieces far enough that they wouldn't threaten to collapse on top of them. Vi and Dash joined in, helping to dig out their father.
Then they all stopped, staring down at him.
"What?" Bob asked, crouching at the bottom of a blackened pit of concrete and exposed plumbing. The blast from the machine had thrown him across the room and dug a pretty deep hole for him, but he'd shrugged off the strange energies and felt none the worse for wear. He held the plastic cage containing their infant son, Jack-Jack, under his arm. The baby boy inside yawned and stretched, looking around sleepily, then went back to sleep as he gently handed the box up to Helen. She kept looking down at him with a surprised expression he couldn't quite place.
"What is it?" he asked again, looking down at his suit. It was torn in places, looking like it had been stretched out. "Edna might have to tighten it up again, from the looks of it, but I feel fine."
"Dash, honey," Helen said, "would you please get me some light?" No sooner had she spoken than she found a flashlight thrust into her hand. "Thank you, Dash." She didn't know where he'd found it but she felt confident he'd searched the entire room from top to bottom in the seconds while she was still asking him to look. She switched on the flashlight and shone it down into the pit where Bob was standing.
Helen gasped aloud. Dash got down on his hands and knees and gawked at him. "No way!" Vi covered her mouth as she stared.
"Okay, guys, you're starting to make me a little concerned, here." As Bob spoke, he realized something was wrong. At first he thought he'd just had some of the dust and debris in his lungs, but after clearing his throat a few times, he realized his voice was higher-pitched, and kept cracking like it did back when
"Bob?" Helen asked in a quieter voice. "Are...are you sure you feel okay?"
"What the heck happened to me?" he asked, looking down at himself again. He was easily half the size he'd been before - no, even more than that. The reason his supersuit was hanging so loosely on his body was because he was a lot shorter and a lot less muscular. His massive bulk was almost entirely gone.
He climbed up out of the pit and stood next to his wife and kids. To his astonishment, he was barely as tall as Helen. She looked at him with an expression that had changed from fearful apprehension to a more softened, almost sympathetic look. "Honey," she said, taking his gloved hand in hers. His gloves were baggy and loose on his fingers. "I think you need to see something."
She led him over to one of the broken refrigeration units set against the wall of the secret lab. The surface of the refrigerator door was covered in reflective chrome. He looked at himself in his reflection and blinked for a moment.
Looking back at him was a skinny young man, maybe in his early teens, around the onset of puberty. Bob recognized himself, but as he had appeared in his school photos back in high school, or maybe even junior high. He reached up to touch his own face and felt how slender his jaw was. This was how he'd looked when he was young - before he'd developed his super-powers, and long before he'd ever met Elastigirl, much less raised a family with her.
Despite herself, Violet began to giggle. Dash grinned and said "Aw YEAH, I've got a big brother now!"
"Okay, that's enough, you two," Helen said sternly. "This isn't a laughing matter. We don't know what caused your father to regress --"
"Transform!" Bob insisted, his voice cracking with awkward frustration.
"We don't know what caused your father to 'transform,'" Helen restated, indulging Bob's temper, "and we don't even know if it's reversible."
"It had BETTER be reversible!" Bob said. "There's no way I'm going through puberty again!"
Helen stood next to her husband, unable to ignore the way he now looked like he might have been one of her children. She put her gloved hand on his forearm and turned him toward her. "Look at me, Bob," she said softly. "We're going to figure this out, okay? We've been through worse things before, and we've always gotten through them together. This'll be no different."
Bob looked up into his wife's eyes behind her black mask and let her confidence calm him down. But he also felt strangely warm standing so close to her, feeling her hand holding him, and he looked down, suddenly self-conscious. "I've, uh, always been strong since you knew me," he stammered, feeling embarrassed. "You never knew me when I was like... like this. Before my powers."
"And I don't think any less of you," she said. She rested her black-gloved hand alongside his face and encouraged him to meet her gaze once more. He shivered all over, unsure why he was feeling so strange and anxious. He liked it when Helen touched him. It made him feel good - safe, warm, and loved. He swallowed hard and nodded.
"No matter what happens," Helen said, "you'll always be my boy."
They both stared at each other for a moment.
"Husband," Helen corrected herself. "I meant 'husband.'" She blushed beneath her mask.
Bob felt a sinking feeling in his gut, as if he could already sense his wife's respect for him draining away. And he could not stop fixating on how she looked in her skintight supersuit, red bodystocking with high belted black briefs, gloves, and thigh-high boots. The sleek fabric hugged every curve of her thighs, her wide, flaring hips, her generously-proportioned bottom, her breasts, still perfectly proportioned after all these years...
"Honey," Helen said, looking down at him. Her face was still flushing as red as her suit. Bob looked down at himself.
His erect penis was pitching an obvious tent in the front of his supersuit.  indicates the next chapter needs to be written. |
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