This choice: The machine whines rise in pitch, as it powers up to start. • Go Back...Chapter #6The machine whines rise in pitch, as it powers ... by: Mr. George  The door vanished, you know you're sealed inside. An icy chill running down your spine, at her smirking snark, as she pushed you inside... If only you hadn't tripped over the door lip, you could've whirled around and leapt out.
The sound of the machine powering up, as the pitch and volume climb ever higher.
Alas, the featureless interior is disorienting. Turning on the spot, you look for any seams and discover you've just lost track of where the door was initially.
"Honey... Honey... Jane Sweetie... I'm in here."
"I know!" A harsh voice barked back. "It's where I can exact my revenge... Mine and Krissi's!" She spat the last name, the name of your house maid. The protests die in your throat, as you're stunned into silence.
Even as your mind races, you hunt for a credible lie, as you hear the pitch reach a worrying crescendo.
"It was her fault." You try. "She led me astray. But, it's you I love."
The silence from the intercom, must be her weighing up your denial. It's not Jane who speaks next.
"You forced yourself on me!" The spanish accent clear in the piping accusation. The woman herself, your maid, who illegally entered the country, who you scared into submission with stories of law enforcement and other insidious lies.
A cough announced Jane clearing her throat. "I've seen the evidence." she barked. "I saw you screw her in our bed! You're a bastard... Now, I'm going to make you a bitch! A submissive one... one you'll appreciate!"
You heard her slap the 'Initiate' button, on the outside. Dread filling your veins, as you guess what she has planned.
Your body is reprocessed, your DNA rewritten, and your sex reversed. The warble of fear that escapes is feminine, as girly as the pink uniform you're now wearing.
A uniform you recognise, the very one you made Krissi wear. You now fill it as well as the voluptuous Krissi. Tentatively confirming what you dread, those breasts are yours, they feel real, they are real, and damned sensitive too!
A wave of dread and timidity wash over you, as you recognise what you did. You recognise you earned this punishment and far worse.
Humiliating blonde ringlets dance around your shoulders tickling the bare skin exposed there. You can feel the chill satin embrace of your outfit. The aching need is shocking in its ability to distract. Seeking to soothe yourself, you discover the cap that completes the maid uniform you loved so dearly.
A hiss, and a beam of light reveals the door has opened. Racing out, your bust shimmying at the burst of speed. Your wider hips brushing against the doorframe, a heftier butt affecting your balance, too. You run straight into Krissi's arms. She takes you in with an appreciative delight, before kissing you passionately, commanding your service, your obedience.
You melt in her embrace surrendering any resistance, as you urgently press your lips against her.
Her hand roaming, exploring your delightful new body, she knows its every secret, how to delight and tease it.
"You can keep your job, Krissi." Jane assures her, "And a promotion, too. She'll work under you, and obey you and me."
"Sí, gracias, señora." Krissi purrs, drinking in your submissive body. The double of her own.
"I think I'll call you Conchita. You like." she said. Her tone obvious this was no suggestion. Eagerly, you thank her, curtseying at her generous gift.
"Sí, maestra... Maestras." you correct yourself, nodding your gratitude towards Jane too.
Somewhere deep behind your eyes, you hear the faint futile scream of a man. A helpless passenger in your body, a voice that only inspires you to serve your mistresses. |
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