It had been a long day for Android 18, as she grew more jealous of taller women with every passing day. Their stature, their elegance, and their long legs were what made them more desirable over shorter women like her. Although she was in a relationship with Krillin, she yearned for the attention those taller women received from everyone.
With this in mind, Android 18 flew over to Bulma’s residence, hoping that she would be able to help with her dilemma. “Bulma!” Android 18 shouted, as she traversed the corridors of the wealthy scientists. “I’m over here!” replied Bulma, from across the hallway in her laboratory. 18 made her way over to the room, and found Bulma aiming a ray gun at a testing dummy. A bright flash filled the room, and the dummy grew five sizes bigger than before. “Wow Bulma! I had come over here in the hopes that you would be able to provide a solution to a certain issue I had, and now I’m clearly seeing that you do!” 18 giggled in excitement as the possibilities rushed to her head. “What could the beautiful, powerful Android 18 possibly be worried about? You quite literally have everything anyone could ask for in this world.” Bulma retorted, somewhat surprised at the inquiry. “Look, I know I have the looks and ability, but it just doesn’t feel right with my current stature. When you think of a beautiful and dominant woman, you’re more likely to imagine them as a powerful Amazon stepping on anyone who may cross them, rather than a 5’4 blondie with little bust,” said 18. “Ah, I see what you mean,” replied Bulma, “It is rather strange that you are on the shorter side of the spectrum considering your supposed infinite energy reactor.” “I can help you, but just know that this gun is a work in progress, and you may receive unexpected results, whether they be desired or undesirable.” “Please!” exclaimed 18, “I just want to be a tall goddess with everyone bowing at her feet, her magnificent stature, her composed gaze, and her voluptuous bust!” “Getting a little optimistic now are we?” chuckled Bulma. “Alright, you can be test subject number two. Stand 15 feet in front of the ray gun, and let the test commence.” Five seconds passed, and the gun began to make a whirring sound, emitting a bright beam of light directed at Android 18. The room dimmed, and Bulma began taking notes on the results of the experiment. A minute passed, nothing happened. Then two, then three, then five, then ten. All of a sudden, Android 18 exclaimed “Oh my god! I feel so good! I feel like I could grow 30 meters tall!” As soon as she said that, she began to slowly grow, bit by bit, inch after inch. Her once little stature of 5’4 expanded to 6’0 within the hour. She had gotten what she wanted. “This is amazing!” laughed 18. “Look at me! I’m a legitimate Amazon! Bulma you seem so short in comparison! I could lift my leg up and step on you with my feet! Speaking of which, they’re bigger now aren’t they?” She was right, as her once size 5 feet had grown to a beautiful, prominent 12. “Burma you shortie, let’s compare our feet and check the size difference.” said 18. Bulma took her shoes off and the two put their feet together side by side, and saw that 18’s feet were twice the size of hers. “Those are some pretty big feet I’d say, who knows? Maybe krillin is into that type of stuff.” stated Bulma. “Ah perhaps, but now that I think about it, he’s going to appear even shorter to me than before, I’ll actually be able to squish him with one step of my foot.” said 18. All of a sudden 18 gasped as she fell over, and she began to grow again. This time however, not only did she grow, but her once flat chest and butt had began to grow outwards slowly. She was growing at a faster rate this time, gaining two inches every ten minutes. By the time she had finished growing the second time, she stood at a powerful 8’5 with a double H cup and size 17 feet.