As the hand unfurled its fingers to grasp you, a flash came from behind it and a loud boom erupted, the shockwave sending you flying backwards into the wall, your ribs screaming as you let out a pained gasp. Over the ringing in your ears, the sound of gunfire could be heard and your head slowly cleared. You began to work out husky male voices speaking.
"...sector 5 cleared, two scientists terminated. Finishing sweep then returning to the pod." A voice said.
You peeked out of the cubicle you were in and saw three...humanoids standing over the body of what appeared to be a fox mixed with a man. Beneath you was the body of something akin to a ocelot and a man. The humanoids were wearing futuristic combat suits that hugged their bodies leaving little of their musculature to the imagination, with olive green plating on their chest, thighs, and shins. A utility belt went around their waist, and futuristic pistols were strapped to their thigh armor. Their helmets were all shaped strangely, and you assumed they were different species of creature. One of the soldiers reached up and clicked the side of his helmet, and the visor telescoped, the helmet folding back behind the head. You gawk at the head and face that was not unlike a pure white great dane, with cropped ears and droopy jowls, that somehow held the most smug expression you've ever seen. He was the tallest out of the three and the beefiest by far, you noticed as well his thin short haired tail sticking over some large glutes. He spoke calmly, his voice so deep it reverberated in your chest.
"Good shooting boys. If these eggheads played with quantum teleportation any longer we'd have black hole right here in planetary orbit." He said holstering a smoking pistol on his thigh.
Another one of the soldiers holstered a shotgun on his back, it clicking into place on the chest piece, before clicking his helmet and revealing a black panther underneath it. He smiled at his taller sergeant and spoke.
"You'd think they'd learn after the first few times that any kind of matter teleportation is punishable by death in imperial space." He said squatting down and snagging an ID badge off the fox, looking at it for a second before tossing it back on the body unceremoniously.
The Great Dane walked around the room, his boots echoing around the lab ominously, causing you to hunker down. Your small movement caught his eye and his head swiveled and he had his gun drawn in an instant. he walked slowly to where you were as the other two soldiers unholstered their weapons and waited on their leaders call. He moved where his body blocked their line of sight of your alcove. He leaned down and his pale Gray eyes locked onto you and twinkled slightly.
"What in hell's name are you?" He murmurs to himself.
"What is it Colonel?" The other anthro who hadn't removed his visor said.
The Dane held his gaze on you a moment before turning around and saying. "Nothing, getting jittery is all, lets get back to the ship."
The Dane backed up slightly as he spoke, and a hand lazily made its way and scratched at one of his large ass cheeks unceremoniously, the muscle group jiggling and bouncing in the tight combat tights he wore under the armor plates. You were mesmerized by the muscular dog ass, but as the hand slid back to the front of him, his thumb flipped open one of the tactical pouches on his belt above the cheek. You were sure he was telling you to get in. You judged the distance and leaped, however it was obvious quick that you had overestimated and crashed into his lower back, sinking into the rubbery mesh of his suit and bouncing off him. Something crashed into your back and sent you tumbling into the hard plastic that was the pouch, and it took you a moment that he had used his tail to bat you inside. The top of the pouch clicked shut and a blue white light activated, and the temperature dropped substantially. Luckily it was cold today on earth, and you were in a hoodie and jeans so it didn't bother you to much. Muffled voices could be heard outside and you awaited to see where this takes you....
Bale thought hard on what he just found, scratching under his chin as he walked.
"Did you hear me Colonel?" Cadik said slapping the Bale's ass, the private was always getting a handful of the large dog's rear. Bale didn't mind, he loved the attention.
"Huh? Sorry Cadik was thinking about...taking some leave when we get back." He said glancing back at the panther.
"I said when we get planetside, we need to check out that bar, go push around the staff and get some free drinks, you know the routine." The cat said, a smile curling across his face. Bale rolled his eyes and stopped in the hallway they were currently walking down.
"No Cadik, I don’t care to bully the civilians.” Bale answered before beginning the walk again.
"Oh, forgot you’re a good Boy Scout that sets an image for all to follow.” Cadik said, turning to the other member of their squad. “What about you Viktor?”
I don’t drink, you know that.” Viktor said in a monotone voice, still hidden behind his helmet. Cadik stared skeptically at him.
"Yeah okay, I shouldn't have asked." Cadik said. "Anyway Bale, I've been meaning to ask why sometimes you get assignments that send you out by yourself." The panther asked.
"Dummy, Colonel is an imperial bounty hunter, he isn’t authorized to share any of that with you." Viktor said holstering his rifle, they had made it to the hangar, their ship waiting for them.
This assignment had been on a station orbiting Sedimar, it had been abandoned about a decade ago, but the scientist were part of an extremist group looking to weaponize matter displacement. Their ship waited them and they climbed up the drop bridge into its hull. A small craft, it only had four seats in the cockpit and a quarter behind that with a few bunks and a latrine.
"An imperial bounty wonder your combat skills are sublime." Cadik said taking a seat in one of the pilot chairs.
"Yeah yeah, Viktor take us home, I gotta take a dump." Bale said walking over and shutting the door to the room in the back of the ship. He unfastened his belt and placed it on one of the cots, and took off his ballistic armor, leaving himself in the grey spandex bodysuit. He sat down on the cot next to his utility belt and opened it up....
A hiss erupted from the lip of your lit room and warmer air spilled in as did fluorescent light, followed by a curse.
"Ahhhh shit I didn't mean to put 'em in the cryo pouch." Fuzzy, calloused fingers felt around and you let them find you, for some reason you felt safe with this guy.
The fingers wrapped around you and gently lifted you out to the face of the jowled Great Dane, his ears tuned in as he inspected your queer form. You stared into his eyes as he did yours and after a moment he spoke.
"You don't show any fear of me, yet I seem to be way more powerful than you, I could kill you right now before you could react, why? Do you even understand me?" He says slowly, rolling you in his palm. You were about to speak when the Danes ear twitched and he looked up before looking back at you and putting a finger to his lips.
He set you down on the cot and drew a knife from the discarded belt, its blade glowing with what looked like hot plasma. He stood up, and you watched him stalk silently over to a crate in the corner of the room, just as what sounded like an engine starting up. The box lid slowly opened and the Dog froze, knife held backwards. A boar wearing a lab coat rose out of the box, only to freeze when he saw the Great Dane staring him down. They stood there for a second, but when the boar reached for something in his coat the Great Danes arm became a blur and as the plasma knife slid across the boars throat. After another second the Boar slumped back into the box and the Great Dane reached in and chuckled, pulling out a cigar.
"Poor bastard was reaching for this, I woulda' spared him if he told me that's all it was." He said putting it in his mouth and cutting the end, holding the blade to it until it lit.
He made his way back to you and stood above you, taking a pull before puffing the smoke out, showering you in the cloud and laughing.
"So, who's side are you on lil' guy, and what should Papa Bale do with ya?" He said taking another pull.
You HAD felt safe, but now you're wondering if you were making the that opinion only because the guy was attractive...