Having been briefly knocked unconscious, you slowly come to as you try and recall the moments leading up to where you are. Standing up in a small pool of water, you suddenly remember being violently pushed against Kevin's butt hole from a torrential of water, your tiny body was smashed up against the giant boy's rosebud until it couldn't take the pressure anymore and his anus opened just enough to let you and a small amount of water through. It wasn't how you intended to get inside him, but it worked! Taking in a deep breath, you immediately gag! This small boy's fart from earlier smelled bad enough, but now you were trapped at the source of that fart and the smell was intense to say the least. All around you was the smell of rotten eggs and spoiled milk, trapped inside this boys butt on paper would seem awful, but you somehow found bliss!
Looking up you can see the boy's smooth rectum walls pulsating as his muscles begin to tense. Below your feet, you can feel his powerful anus begin to bloat out a bit as the boy pushes the water out. Stepping off to the side you watch as it opens just enough to slowly drain out, back into the chlorinated pool before closing shut tightly. Now free of water and visible, you can see the giant boys anus. Getting down onto your hands and knees, you slowly begin to massage the massive orifice as you rub the sensitive hole vigorously. In response, the rubbery flesh begins to scrunch and undulate. You watch as the boys giant pucker bulges in and out as it quivers from your massage. You give in to your primal lust and lay down on your stomach with your arms spread as Kevin's huge butt hole begins to suck on your small body, and subsequently on your dick. It didn't take long before you spray your seed all over the interior of his rectum. You push yourself to the side of his butt hole, completely exhausted and your lust satiated, you take a minute to recuperate, slowly the giant hole begins to stop as it no longer detects you. Up above, you hear a very ominous sound coming from somewhere in Kevin's colon.
Up above, Kevin was having fun splashing his brothers with water, after expelling the trace amount of water from his behind he began to experience a new sensation, one he had never felt before, it was very small but he could feel a small irritation on the inside of his butt! Chalking it up to the funny smelling pool water, he began to subconsciously squeeze is butt hole in response to this small irritation until it went away. After only a couple minutes, the small irritant is quickly replaced as he feels a large gas bubble reach his back door. Not wanting to get caught farting in the pool, he swims over and climbs out, sitting on the ledge of the pool and shifts his weight to one side and unleashes a massive fart. His colon now emptied, he set his butt back down as his father called him and his brothers over to go home.
Inside Kevin, you are busy keeping an eye out for whatever is making that sound. Suddenly out of nowhere, steaming hot gas rushes in to fill your tiny area and you have to shut your eyes as the heavy gas burns them. Your nose begins to run and you cough violently as you have very little oxygen. Getting on your hands and knees you try and pry open Kevin's anus, to your surprise, almost in response, the huge muscle opens and a massive *PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT* blares out all around you. You can feel yourself being lifted out with the hot flatulence and...
1. Slam into the backside of Kevin's balls.
2. Trapped between Kevin's butt cheeks.
3. Shot into the pool.