"And just what seems to be the problem here?"
You jump in your seat as the one thing you didn't want to hear just casually graced your ears. Oh man, did you really have to get in trouble on the very first day of school?
Looking up from your desk, you find yourself face-to-face with the teacher, Mrs. Lisk. She's giving you a look that could kill...or at least turn you to stone. "Well? Do I need to repeat myself, Daniel, or should I ask your friend over there?"
You don't even bother turning around. You already know your goblin bully is probably grinning at you right now. Still, you can't help but think about how big and sweaty her feet are, and how they felt when she shoved them in your fa--
"Daniel..." Mrs. Lisk grunts, facial scales reddening, "I see you're not listening to me. I think you could use a nice hour or two in detention! See me after class..."
Your stomach flips in your chest. Detention? Already?! In your first class?!?! Oh man, mom is gonna kill you when you get home...the collective 'ooooo' that rings out from the mouths of most of the students (goblin girl included) doesn't help your mental state much. The growled 'hush!' from the teacher quiets them real quick, though.
"And don't think I forgot about you, Tazza," the basilisk chimes in, a snarl in her tone. "Why don't you join your human friend in his punishment? After all, you're partially to blame. Fair's fair!"
The goblin girl--Tazza, apparently--groans and stares daggers at Mrs. Lisk. Her scales redden some more when she notices what her unruly student is doing.
"And get your feet off the desktop, for Pete's sake! It's against school policy. Don't give our poor janitors even more work than they already have--and stop teasing your classmates with them. Save that for the...other courses you might be attending today."
Now that gets your attention. You ignore the sound of Tazza angrily stomping her soles back down into her sandals while thinking on your teacher's words. Courses about teasing people with your feet? No way, that's way too specific. Unless...
"DANIEL!" Once again, you almost jump out of your seat. Mrs. Lisk slaps a hand on her forehead and sighs anxiously. "I sincerely hope for your sake and my blood pressure that this scatterbrain activity is just a one-time problem. Do you understand?"
"Ma'am yes ma'am!" You yelp, saluting in a military pose. That gets a chuckle out of most of your homeroom and a roll of your teacher's eyes.
Thankfully, most of the ruckus dies down quickly. That means you can actually concentrate on taking notes about Monster History. You still can't believe how quickly both Human and Monster societies merged once the magical gateways appeared. They're still fairly separated, of course, but cities were becoming more and more mixed as time marched on. It makes you sentimental for your all-Human school, as unfortunate as that may seem.
Of course, you can't concentrate too much on class. Mrs. Lisk might've barred Tazza from putting her feet up on the desk, but she never said the goblin girl couldn't do things with them under it. Throughout the rest of the hour, she rubs your back with the ball of her foot and strokes your leg with her big, meaty toes...and as embarrassing as it is, you can feel yourself getting a bit randy...