Just as quickly as it showed up, the smile on your face disappeared; the pissed off bombshell goblin you met earlier was sitting right behind you! Not only was it really awkward to have to sit by a girl you just made a terrible first impression on, you were also greeted to the breathtaking sight (in more ways than one) of her thick, enormous bare soles. They're so big that you can't even see her face past them...
"Ugh...I just 'ad to pick the seat behind this bumbling bugger..." she mumbled to herself, apparently not even deigning to speak to you. Seriously, how rude could she be?
She wiggled and flexed her toes, making sure to get them up in your face. At one point, she even pinched your nose between them! The worst part was that your body was reacting on its own; you involuntarily inhaled her sweaty, vinegary stench—it was so potent that you thought she had ran more than a mile non-stop just to get here—and soon after felt a tent begin to grow in your pants. A luminescent blush spread across your cheeks. What the hell was going on?!
The sides of her lips perk up. "...well, at least I'll 'ave fun messin' wit 'im."
You open your mouth to defend yourself, only to have a couple of her meaty digits pop in past your teeth, introducing their rich, salty flavor to your poor taste buds. You sputter, too stunned to push her feet away. The invading toes rest comfortably on your tongue for a few seconds, scrubbing across it, even squeezing it a bit, before they pull back out. They leave a strong aftertaste that makes you feel weird and fuzzy inside, and that blush is definitelynot going away any time soon. The goblin parts her feet to smirk at you, obviously pleased with her handiwork.
For a moment, the sight leads you to absentmindedly conclude that she could fit your face snugly in the arches of her soles. Your erection grows tighter.
"I guess you're no' worthless after all, 'umie," she states, looking quite proud of herself. "You migh' be a dope, but you know how to 'elp a girl out. Maybe you can work on these numbers after school, huh?"
You've come back to reality, at least for now. Instead of yelling at her (something you really wanted to do, but you refrained from for some odd reason), you just give her a questioning look; she rolls her eyes in return. She moves her hand down to pick up her brown leather sandals, which she left down at the side of her desk, and shakes them. "These numbers down here, you dim-witted bellend!"
You look to the side, embarrassed—wait, why are you letting her get to you this way?—and stutter out a simple, "I, uh..."
She bops your nose with one of her big toes and moves it back down to your lips, which you keep closed this time. Your tormentor looks unamused. "Shut up, I like you be'er when you're silent."
This little charade goes on a bit longer before class actually starts. What happens?
Option A) The goblin is stopped by your 1st hour teacher, Ms. Keri. She is a young, but firm tiefling with small red horns on her forehead. She's sympathetic to your plight, but is also rather turned on by the little display you and your goblin 'friend' are giving. She might prevent this kind of thing from happening in the future, but the slight sexual awakening she's had from witnessing you getting dominated might not end in a way that is convenient for you.
Option B) One of your classmates butts into the conversation. Whether that's to your benefit or detriment is up to them.
Option C) This goblin girl gets you all to herself for the rest of the day. She's in your other classes, too!