It all began when the former mayor of Zinnia City, a rather cheerful rabbit named Cherry, suddenly disappeared without a trace. The police filed an investigation into the matter, but it turned up fruitless, and she was declared dead in less than a weak. Her second in command, an elephant called Genivive, eagerly took her place the moment it became apparent she never would come back. For years, Zinnia City was a town governed by prey, but ever since Genivive came into power the place has gone under some very drastic changes.
Before Genivive, predators were only allowed to eat one prey per day, now they can eat as much as they want and whenever they want, which has led to the current rise on predator obesity. Home invasion for a quick meal used to be a crime that would land preds in prison, now the sentence was a fine and a warning not to do it again. Over the course of the elephant's administration, the town that had once been renowned to be a place where everyone can coexist had become a nightmare for the prey and utopia for the preds. However, no one ever brings up new changes when talking about their mayor. Those that do aren't seen from after that for some reason...
As the laws for predators became laxer, the predators ate and ate, and the more they ate the more they grow impossibly huge, both up and out. Their sizes became so incredible that infrastructure had to be expanded to keep up with their growing waistlines. But no one seemed to think that there was a crisis in their city as if it was all normal. And it was normal in a sense, as predators are naturally meant to be big, gluttonous eating machines, but what works in nature and what works in Zinnia City were two very different things. But City Hall was on a rampage of joining the two worlds together, with plans being drawn up and projections calculated and proposals offered, weighed and compared to one another.
In the middle of the first floor of City Hall was the office of the mayor, and in that office sat Mayor Genivive. The massive elephant, quite possibly the most massive women in Zinnia City, was sitting back in her reinforced steel desk chair as she watched the season five finale of Samurai Brawlers. She nonchalantly told her mayoral aide, a little prey mouse called Roger, to prepare her an address to the population she would deliver after lunch had finished later in the day. A pro-prey rights activist had disappeared in a similar way that the former mayor had, and she was expected to express her sympathies to their death.
"Zinnia City mourns the loss, what's his face, and there will be a lot of healing in the coming days and weeks...God, I can't stomach this stuff..." She paused her dictation to grab a full pie of pepperoni pizza from a greasy box, rolling it up in her trunk to shove it into her maw and swallowed it in a gulp. Standing behind to the elephant's side, her aid rigor flinched. The mayor's weight gain had been a sensitive subject in the last few months, having gone from a meager 500 pounds to multiple tons of blubber and lard. She was by far the fattest elected official since the days of the 19th century when political machines solved elections not by the ballot, but by the belly.
The opposition media really loved to keep bringing the political machines bit up whenever they could, but her title as the mayor countered any body shaming smear campaigns. Being an elected official was a very stressful job, or at least that's what the mayoral duckspeakers quaked out, so it was only natural for her to become more indulgent as she relaxed the same way her other predators did across the city. As well, the average weight of predators in ZC had tripled, so her girth was seen as a symbol of her people, and not some voracious monster. But her re-election was coming up, and the prey majority were getting increasingly fed up with their pred mayor.
"Don't worry about the popularity polls." Roger, who also acted as Genevive's campaign manager as well to his other duties. "It's early in the year, we have more than enough time to bring your public image to prey up. I have the draft for a new education bill here, and-" The mouse was interrupted by the elephant's deep belching.
"Wha? Oh, yeah, education is important and all, just leave that on my desk and I'll look at it later." She grumbled as she poked her still hungry stomach. "Why don't you go out and get me some more groceries. And, uh, six bags this time, not three." Roger sighed as he set the official-looking stack of papers down in her desk before exiting the room. The small mouse was the mayoral 'adviser', a vaguely defined position of title that basically meant glorified pet.
Although, it wasn't all bad being the mayor's pet. Everyone knew not to cross him, as he was considered the most important member in Genivive's inner circle. He managed her campaign, looked over all the paperwork, and most importantly kept a steady line of food open to City Hall...both regular and live. Six people were about to go missing today, and he was an expert at luring people back to his workplace. Most of the time it was fellow prey, like himself, but her recent growth in size has opened up new avenues. As it took more and more to keep her sedated, he was relying more and more on getting predators to follow him home. Prey was easier, however, to handle.
What would be on Mayor Genivive's lunch menu today?