"SHEGO---Stay away from the monkeys!"
Kim giggled to herself as she slid along the vents of this particular Drakken hide-out. Oddly enough, it was Monkey Fist that had led her to this particular hide-out, as it was in a dilapidated zoo. Kim had tracked Drakken and Monkey Fist over the past weekend and had finally found the old Primate House in the Montana regions--not a normal tracking location for either super villain so seeing both in one site was a bit unsettling for Kim's mind to wrap around.
Kim wished Ron was here, but he was taking a study session back in Middleton, due to a failing Math test. She was able to get in with the poorly maintained metal covers on the vents for the AC system and had finally found herself in the makeshift lab space.
"Remind me again, why are we teaming up with this freak-show?" Shego pointed a finger at Monkey Fist, as he brought over a sample of baboon sperm to Drakken at his work bench.
Monkey fist howled, "I could say the same thing about you, laser hands! At least I am still part of the animal kingdom. Drakken, are you sure this will even work?"
Drakken took the baboon sperm sample and measured an extract amount. "Of course, it will work, just need to add the final chemical to the mixture now." He quickly added 3 drops to a pale orange liquid. Once the sperm was added, it became a sparkling orange color, and shown for a second longer before taking on a bright cherry red! Drakken cackled to himself, "You both, see that? That was the reaction we were waiting for! The baboon pheromones have been amplified with my patent-pending compound, and now they should allow for others to bend to one's desires as long as the compound stays in the body system. Also, it is not long-lasting or permanent; without the bonding elements in the DNA of cells, it will be like a siren on a police car, blaring noisy, ramping up the power of the natural pheromones in the body, and then chased out of the body, either by sweat or excrement, with no potential side effects."
"Ok, so next question: DOES IT WORK?" Shego glared at the two men in front of her, and asked, "And how do we know for sure there are no human side-effects?"
“Well, the primate testing-not you, the caged primates-was showing very positive results. All I need is a human test subject.”
‘Well,’ Kim thought, ‘better strike now before he smears himself in it, and smells like a primate’s ass.’ Kim scooted to place her foot next to the grate and kicked out. The clanging metal on the far side of the room caught all 3 villain’s attentions. Kim slipped out and stood up, pulling a cobweb from her hair as she grabbed her hairdryer from her utility belt. “Hello Drakken. Thanks for the monologue about your monkey juice.” She snapped a reverse grab claw to her hair-dryer, swapping out the utility grappling hook, and aimed at the science bench. “This should put a stop to your evolution climb though,” Kim snipped her comment out as she sniped for the red potion beaker.
The reverse grab claw worked too well. It launched from her hair-dryer, flew the short distance, and clasped the top of the Drakken’s formula beaker. As the line snapped tight and rewound back to Kim’s side of the room, all eyes followed the beaker as it splashed all over Kim. The single beaker splashed all over her, her chest, her arms and even her mouth too. “Gross, what did you use? It tastes like vinegar and smells like sweaty boys and rotten eggs.”
Drakken pointed and screamed, “Don’t let her get away! That is the only bottle I made! There is no more of my mind-control compound left right now, and that much took a week to brew.” Looking at Monkey Fist, he promised, “Grab her, and you can have first test of the rest of that bottle of mind-control juice.”
Kim Possible thought to herself, ‘No way am I sticking around for them to try mind-control on me,’ as she dashed for the doors of the lab space. As she tried to cap the beaker with her hand, she could hear the howls of Monkey Fist and the blasts of Shego’s laser fire balls.