Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2176389-Life-Change/cid/2900757-You-pick-up-a-bodysuit
Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Sci-fi · #2176389
With an ability of swap traits ... the life had changed
This choice: You pick up a bodysuit!  •  Go Back...
Chapter #7

You pick up a bodysuit!

    by: JB
Rummaging through the underwear you find a black lycra, high leg, one piece swimming costume and your mom’s yellow and black pokka dot bikini with spaghetti straps, three pairs of spandex leggings, but then you pull out a blue cotton body with a thin white lace trim to the neck and long sleeves. Looking at the snappy crouch you figure it goes on over your head. By putting it on you realise you can take your mom’s thin shoulders, arms and belly. Without hesitation you slip it on over your head and stretch it over your broad shoulders, slipping your arms in to the sleeves which stop short just past your elbows, you then pull it down over your pert breasts and snap the crouch together. Looking in the mirror you see your erect nipples pushing the smooth fabric forward in to two noticeable bumps.

Kelly walks in and asks “Can I borrow a ‘t’ shirt and jeans as mine don’t seem to fit.” She looks across as you are standing and looking in the mirror, “Well that’s not what I thought you would put on” your face turns crimson. “No! No! I remember how comfortable it is, it’s a good choice Michael, I didn’t mean to embarrass you!” she looks over to the bed and sees the spandex leggings and pointing says “If you put those on, then you should wear a thong dear...” “o, mom come on!”You retort.

As you walk towards the wardrobe to get a few ‘t’ shirts and pairs of jeans for Kelly, your hips sway and butt jiggles, Kelly is transfixed on the motion and watches intently, you are unaware until you turn around with some clothes in your arms what she had been doing, but she has the tell tale sign of a bulge in her boxers which gives her away. You stop and think back to the park before looking her in the eyes and sternly say “for Christ’s sake I am your son! Not some MILF for you to ogle at in his bedroom!” and snigger as she blushes, grabs the clothes and hastily retreats to her room. Looking around you pick up the yellow jogging pants and top and slip them on, as you do you find the top has a hood, your mind races, would it, could it, will it.... will i take her head, her hair, her face, do I need to put the hood up or not? You decide to leave the hood down and head downstairs.

Kelly is talking to Stephanie and Anna in the kitchen whilst making a cup of green tea for the two of them “would you like a tea” she asks as you wonder in. “Yes please” as you say, you are stunned at what you are saying, you hate green tea! As the other two walk off in to the lounge you look at your mom, “well, what did they say?” you inquire, “Well to my surprise nothing, they don’t seem to have noticed anything is different” looking towards Kelly you respond “So it would appear only you and I can see the change."

Kelly grabs a beer from the fridge and the pair of you head towards the lounge where the tv is on a great chick flick, there it was again, great chick flick what was happening to you? As Kelly and you walk in, Anna looks at Kelly “Dad come sit next to me, what you been up to this morning” Kelly responds“ only if we can watch the football.” You sit next to your twin sister, and as you flop down you notice a few strands of long blond hair in you peripheral vision, and glancing over to Kelly, she now has short dark hair, and is sporting a short well groomed beard, her shoulders are much broader and bulging muscles are visible in her arms. Sitting there you feel your arms narrow and waist shrink, sliding your hands down to your thighs you hold them tight as they shrink in your hands. Looking over at Kelly she is bulky, fit, and a well built male specimen, however with her dainty hands, red nail varnish and small feet you start to snigger in your head.

After 20 minutes or so you get up, noticing how much shorter you now were, and pick up the cups and head to the kitchen, placing the cups in the sink you leaned forward and grab Kelly’s washing up gloves, stretching them till they nearly rip you take one last look at your hands, the hair covered knuckles and stubby fat fingers as they enter the gloves, “farewell” you whisper, whilst washing you notice that the gloves become more comfortable, and after wiping all the sides down you remove them, revealing thin slender hands with long slender finger and nails with a beautiful pink nail polish applied. Looking down at you bare feet all that’s now left of the old you, you head towards the hall where you force you large feet with their hairy toes into Kelly’s fluffy slip on slippers. You gingerly walk to the conservatory to spend fifteen minutes or so watering the plants, before heading to the kitchen where you grab a beer before going back into the lounge and hand it to Kelly, “dad I brought you another!”, Kelly takes the beer without looking away from the tv, “thank you Michaela”. That was the moment you were the 17 year old version of your mother, and your mother was the 40 year old version of you, and father to three daughters.

You have the following choices:

1. Stay with Kelly as she finds a girlfriend...

2. Michaela heads to her room....

*Noteb* indicates the next chapter needs to be written.
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