One night, Megan was pretending, stuffing her clothes so it looked like she had a big belly, like she did occasionally, when Buttons decided to introduce itself. “Having a little fun are we.” Megan heard a feminine voice say, which freaked her out. Her eyes darting around the room for the source of the voice. “It’s me your best friend Buttons.” With that revelation Megan’s eyes darted to the doll sitting on the foot of her bed. To her terror the doll moved waving its arms. Megan tried to scream, but was rendered speechless by her fear. Feeling the impending shriek coming Buttons acted quickly. “Hey, whoa calm down, don’t scream, we don’t want a scene here, I’m not going to hurt you, I’m a rag doll for Pete’s sake.” The doll awkwardly stood, wobbling and face planting, a few times to show her how clumsy it was. Megan seemed to calm down a bit at this, but was still thoroughly creeped out. “What the hell?” She croaked her fear slowly changing into confusion.
Buttons sat down closer to her and reiterated leaning towards her. “So, having a little fun are we.” Megan got embarrassed as she realized what Button’s was getting at. Megan looked down at her fake belly, and blushed profusely embarrassed to have her little secret exposed. “It’s not like that, I…I.” She trailed off not knowing how to actually excuse it. “So, you have a thing for bellies, huh.” Megan’s face went completely red as she realized just how much Buttons had seen over the weeks.
“Hey want to see a trick?” Buttons asked Megan, piquing her interest. “Take me to the sink.” Megan removed her fake belly, and picked up Buttons carrying her to Megan’s bathroom. There Buttons turned on the sink, and latched on to the faucet gulping down water. Megan was amazed the doll swelled larger, Its belly like a water balloon, and when it looked like the doll was pregnant, Buttons let go and rubbed its belly. “Pretty cool right.” Megan was entranced. “Whoa how can you do that.”
Megan said fascinated how the doll wasn’t soaking wet. “Let’s just say I’m not any old doll.” Megan carried Buttons back into her room, and spent a while, entranced by Buttons’ swollen tum.
In the morning Buttons bulbous belly was gone, much to Megan's disappointment. "Buttons your skinny again." Megan said to her doll. "Yeah, I don't want to draw attention to myself, but if you really want to I could show you an even better trick later."
Over the days, Megan and Buttons grew closer. Her parents were surprised as Megan started treating Buttons like a real person. Megan even started dressing a little more like Buttons, like wearing striped leggings, and loose dresses, they really started looking like twins. All the while unaware that the doll was very much alive.