You decided to try struggling. Your resistance would probably be useless, considering the difference in size and power between you and your new captress. However, you had to give it a try. Considering the behavior of these young Pokémon, you were sure that they’d end up hurting you, or even killing you, if you let them kidnap you.
So, you began to squirm and yell, putting up as much of a struggle as possible. However, as you expected, the Sneasel just squeezed you in her claws, putting a painful amount of pressure on you. You stopped struggling and shouted in pain, earning a bit of laughter from the Sneasel. You looked up at her, and saw her smirking down at you as she continued to run.
“Yeah, don’t bother struggling,” she said. “I ain’t letting you go. You belong to me and my buddies now, and I’m really looking forward to—WHOA!”
The Dark-type yelled as she tripped on something and fell forward. She’d been distracted by talking to you, and she didn’t see a small obstacle in the way. In her panic, she let go of you, and you were sent flying into a bush. You grunted in pain, but immediately quieted down and didn’t move. You realized that this was the perfect opportunity to hide.
The Sneasel girl hit the ground and groaned, then pushed herself up. She glanced at her empty claws and frantically looked around, trying to find you. Fortunately, since you were well-hidden and it was nighttime, she couldn’t see you.
“Where are you?” she shouted. Of course, you didn’t reply, causing the Sneasel to growl and punch the ground. “I’m gonna find you!” she shouted.
As she looked around, her two friends came up behind her, having finally caught up to her.
“What’s up?” asked the boy Sneasel.
“I stole that thing from Weavile,” replied the girl, “but I dropped it. Help me find it!”
“What was it?”
“Trust me, you’ll know it when you see it. But I want it to be a surprise. Now start looking!”
The trio began to search the area. You gulped. Now that the three Pokémon were working together, it seemed likely that they’d find you soon. You stayed still, hiding in the bush and hoping to not be caught...