An annoying cloud eclipsing moonlight was blown away by the even more annoying wind, letting the moon do its job as its light showered both you and the legend in front of you as it extended three stubby fingers to grab you.
Its paw wrapped around your torso and scooped you up as the legendary stood up, then began hovering in mid-air thanks to a pair of wings lazily flapping on its back.
Thanks to the light, you could take a good look at it.
It looked like a (relatively) small fairy with a slim body, colored of two shades of green. On its head, two thin antennae with blue tips and gigantic blue eyes with white pupils and black eyelids.
There was no doubt, this was one of the most rare legendaries ever.
Celebi, the time-traveling guardian of forests!
You felt its grip growing tighter around your chest as it brought you up to its face, a perplexed expression painted on its face, like it was trying to figure out what you really were. Because, a human couldn't be so small... could it?
Fear seemed to finally relent and let go of your vocal chords,
"Ehm..." you started in an uncertain tone, before you cleared your throat to try and assume a firmer voice,
"D-Don't hurt me... please..."
Damn it.
The fairy cocked its head.
You saw its lips parting, and you feared that this beast wanted nothing more than to throw you inside, swallow and enjoy a nice little nap while you melted away inside its tummy, maybe providing a nice, internal belly rub in your last moments.
But such things weren't meant to happen. Not yet at least.
"Are you... human?"
If it wasn't for the solid fist holding you, you would have fallen off your perch.
Did this Celebi just speak to you?
"D-Did you just talk to me?" you asked back, confused.
The Celebi nodded,
"Of course... but if you're able to understand me, then you're not a human. I've never seen a pokemon like you though..." it mused in a feminine voice, making you assume the Celebi was a girl.
"W-Wha- of course I'm human!" you replied, growing more and more confused each minute that passed.
Maybe this was just a very lucid dream... or nightmare...
The fairy looked just a surprised as you were.
"You're human...? But you're so... small! And you understand me!" she said perplexedly.
"Seriously, I think you are confused. You look like a human, but you can't be one. I mean-" she trailed off, but used her other paw to indicate your current size.
You sighed at the Celebi's naïveté.
"I am a human," you repeated, but her expression didn't change.
Another sign escaped your mouth as you freed your arm from her grip and pointed to your bag on the ground, right next to the empty pile of clothes.
"D'you see those? They're mine. I lost them when it shrunk, get it?" you said while the giantess looked at your belongings, now too big for you to possibly wear.
The Celebi seemed convinced, because she looked back at you with a more serious gaze,
"How did you get so small? And how are you able to understand pokemon?"
"First, could you ease up your grip? You're kinda crushing me..." you mumbled. Immediately, the fingers around your torso loosened up a bit.
"Thanks," you said,
"But telling the truth, I'm clueless about both things... maybe me being able to understand you is a side effect of my shrinking..." you theorized.
"And you have no idea of you you got so small, am I right?" the giantess asked you as she fidgeted around in mid-air, shaking you in her grip.
"Exactly," you said, before an idea found its way inside your mind.
"M-Maybe you could help me!" you exclaimed.
It seemed logic, she hadn't hurt or threatened to eat you so far, so you could only assume that this giant fairy didn't hold any malicious intent towards you.
Celebi cocked her head, much like she had done before,
"Help you...?" she parroted back, before offering a shrug with the arm that wasn't holding a shrunken human,
"I have no clue about how to restore your normal size." she said bluntly.
Your heart sank. As you began wondering if you were doomed to live your life like this, pitifully small and unable to do pretty much anything, a new idea entered your thoughts.
You looked at the time-traveling giantess that currently held you again.
"Well... maybe you could k-keep me with you!" you spoke, not able to stop the flow of words despite the look the legendary was giving you,
"I need protection or I won't be able to survive!... And i-if not, could you please put me down for I can find help on my own?" you asked.
The time-traveler blinked while she let all your words sink in her mind.
"... Nope, I don't think I'll just let you go. When will this opportunity come back?" she mused with a toothy grin, which made you gulp.
That grin alone made you reconsider all you said to this giantess since she first grabbed you.
One big question formed in your mind as you stated at that unnerving little grin of hers.
Was she going to help you?