Despite the imminent danger posed by Chen's giant foot, the shrunken human didn't do anything to mitigate it. He could've tried running away, or begging the 'Giant' for mercy, but instead he chose to do... nothing. He just merely sat in her shadow, staring at the catgirl's sweaty sole with mouth agape in terror. Or shock. Or... awe, maybe? The boy was still blushing, as if he found this whole scenario exciting instead of frightening, or worse, it excited him because it was so terrifying.
Whatever the case, the end result was the same. His stillness It didn't go unnoticed by the giant nekomata for too long, as she looked curiously at her quiet toy.
"Heh, what's the matter lil'guy? Cat's got Your tongue?" Chen snickered at the pun "Can't say I'm surprised. I must be pretty imposing-looking from down there, aren't I~?" the catgirl puffed her chest proudly, before looking down at her little plaything again "Those looks aren't just for show, though. If you don't feel like playing with me, then I'll just stamp you out, and look for another loser human to toy with" she finished darkly.
All of a sudden, the giant nekomata brough her foot almost completely down to the ground, stopping just short of squashing the tiny human beneath it. With her foot hanging a mere inch away from her toy, Chen spread her sharp-nailed digits right over his head, letting her potent toe funk wash all over her shrunken playmate. She hoped the 'unique' aroma of her feet would knock some sense into him, or at least get some kinda reaction from him.
Despite her best efforts, as the nekomata raised her foot back up, she found the boy's state basically unchanged, much to her disappointment, and ever growing annoyance.
"Ugh, seriously!? Don't tell me I fried your brains out" Chen said in dismay, as she once again dropped her foot down to her toy, this time going as far as pushing him down with her big toe. The young man was forcibly laid down on his back, having most of his chest covered by the large digit, as the tip of its sharp nail got close to piercing his little head.
Not even this got any decent response out him though. If anything, being so close to the rancid object of his desire took even more of his breath away, not helped by the giantess twisting her sweaty, stinking toe over his tiny body. As she did so, the annoyance she felt towards her little toy slowly but surely grew into disdain, as she saw human's silence as an act of defience, unaware it was all because of his conflicting feelings towards her feet.
Chen knew that despite how weak and pathetic they were physically, the human spirti was a force to be reckoned with. For this reason, even though squashing him flat would've been an easy, and enjoyable solution, doing so would be admitting defeat to his willpower. However, as humiliating as that would've been, Chen wasn't the most patient nekomata around, and so she decided to give the human one last chance to get his act straight, or she'd be more than happy to snuff him out of existence.
After raising her foot over his body one last time, the boy was greeted by the terrifying sight of one giant, angry catgirl reading herself to stomp him into oblivion. He was worried before, but now he was honestly fearing for his life, his whole body trembling beneath the scorn-filled glare she was shooting him. He knew that if he continues to hide his feelings from her, she'll go ahead and crush him like a bug. If he wanted to save his skin, he had to do it, and tell her how he really feels about her... feet.
The question was though: did he really want that, or would he rather pick a bug's death over the embarrassment of confessing his feeling to the catgirl's foot. As he noticed her muscles tense up before the stomp, the boy made his final choice to...