"I swear, ever since you started doing it, I've wanted to know who was better at packing stuff in their gullet, me or you," he said.
"Excuse me?" You answered. Of all the things you would've guessed he'd be jealous of you for, the amount you could stomach was not something that came to mind. You knew that since you'd become more popular with certain people, your figure had taken a toll, but stuff like that was never in your control, and if it was, you'd wish for less of it. That being said, the prospect of taking him on in a contest like that made you surprisingly confident.
"Yeah. You, me, one on one," he proclaimed. He seemed pretty confident, but so were you.
"Aaaaalrighty, how do you wanna do this?" You asked. "Hot dogs? Burgers? Actually, I'm kind of in the mood for mexican if you-"
"Nah, nah. I had something else in mind," Gary interrupted. "I was thinking more like people."
That certainly changed things. Honestly, you probably should've seen this coming. A voring contest seemed to be more likely for him to win, since you weren't as much of a voring veteran as Gary, but you still had the capacity advantage, so you only had to best him speed-wise. The odds were stacked against you, but you didn't have much of a choice.
"Okay, sounds good to me. Let's start at opposite ends of the beach, and it ends when we reach each other. Whoever has the most people in their gut by that point is the winner," he stated.
"Sounds good. How do we know when to start?"
"How about... when the next tidal wave hits?" This made sense. The beach of Spectrum Bay was strangely scheduled in its waves, and the next wave would hit in about two minutes, you both knew.
"Okay," you say, walking away from him. As he starts to leave as well, you realize something. "Oh, and by the way! Mary doesn't add to your count! Remember that!" He gives a lazy wave back. You think he heard you, hopefully.
Either way, you headed over to what seemed to be a good edge, as people were more sparse on the other side of the imaginary line you drew. You get to a good position and ready yourself. You figure the best preparation is to get your heartrate up, as speed was your main goal at this point. You begin to jog in place for a moment, but it wasn't long before you could see the wave approaching. You begin to get into a running stance as it approaches, really getting excited. It was... almost... there... GO!
You sprinted forward as the wave hit, already making a beeline towards the first unlucky beachgoer, a sunbathing woman. You practically jump at them mouth first, shoving their head down your throat rather quickly. Because they were relaxing, they didn't have time to struggle until it was much too late, with their legs already being sucked down. Another quick swallow was all it took to get them all the way down, but just as soon as you did you began to run to the next victim, a man sitting up, facing away from you. Even after the first person, you could tell it would be an uphill battle outrunning Gary, as not only was he more athletic, but his legs were a bit more powerful. At this point, you were banking on your stretchiness to make it easier to swallow people than it was for him.
Nevertheless, the man slipped down your throat and into your belly with ease. As you began to search for the next, you saw a woman running (or, more like prancing) towards you. Before you could move, she made a running jump straight towards your mouth, and because of your competitive mindset you opened up, and she slipped right down with a GLUNK. Now, as you instinctively ran to the next beachgoer, you noted another advantage you had: public familiarity. Anyone who was into it knew you were an easy target for them to get off, so you figured if luck was on your side, you'd attract more of those types than Gary.
You continued to swallow people with a ferocity than surprised even yourself, downing victims like it was nothing, not to mention the occasional willing prey. You just kept going and going, but by the time you figured you'd be nearing the end, you were starting to slow down. Your belly had to be at least three times your size, it was a wonder you were even moving at all. However, as you took a quick breather, you saw something that sent more than a couple shots of adrenaline through you; that being Gary a ways away, going at it faster than you currently. He was doing well, but judging by the size of his belly... you were winning.
Though sheer force of will, you managed to to lug your massive stomach along at speeds that surprised even Gary, who could see you now as well. As the number of bodies began to wane, you only got faster, gulping down anything that moved. Three more to go, two more, and then...
You and Gary finally met, at the near perfect middle of where the two of you started. You both took a moment to catch your breathes, and gently massage your massively swollen, aching bellies. You are the first to peer up at your mountainous bellies, estimating their size...
You couldn't believe it. You won. By a LOT.
You would've jumped for joy if you weren't thousands of pounds heavier than usual. However, you heard a monstrous gurgle come from both you and Gary's bellies. All at once, both of your bellies shrank at a rapid speed. Apparently holding back your digestive systems for ten minutes made the digestion process massively accelerated. In no more than a minute, yours and Gary's stomachs had shrank to normal size. Coming down from the digestion high, you look down to see that you were now completely naked. All of the calories from digesting tens of people had added to your figure more than you could imagine, and regrettably, it all went to your hips and ass. It looked as though it took up half of your body weight now. That sentiment bummed you out.
"Holy shit man... I have to admit, you've got talent for hardly ever eatin' anyone," Gary said. You stared over at him, and noticed how much more spread out his fat was, making you internally groan.
"Right- *huh* right back at ya, man," you said, and you genuinely did respect his talent, for being a non-squishie. You couldn't imagine how having a rigid body structure and eating that many people would feel like.
You hear another wave crash, and the both of you whip your heads to look over. You both knew what it was to look at, being Mary's naked form emerging from the ocean. Neither of you say anything, you both only start to rush over to her, helping her and holding her.
"You guys are jerks..." she said, making your mood drop significantly. "But... thanks, Jack. For- for fighting for me. Also, I don't mind the new badonkadonk. It fits you." Her saying that definitely lightened your mood. However, what made all three of your faces drop what another wave coming behind you. Looking back at the ocean, you could see a huge crowd of people, all of them angry, approaching your trio.
"That... seems to be a whole lot of revenge," Gary said, with a frightened calmness.
"Yyyyeah... we'd better run," you say.
"Yup," Mary dittoed.
As you all run like hell from the angry mob, two things cross your mind:
You are going to remember this forever,
And people were going to rub this in your faces for quite a while.