You retched as the food around you began to digest, as well as your swimsuit. Brad sighed as he stood up and patted his girl-filled belly. "Think it's time to head home, little lady", your living prison chuckled.
You whimpered as you held onto your knees inside the belly, afraid of being potentially trapped inside this bully forever. As he walked to the apartment complex, you suddenly heard a familiar-sounding voice. "Yo, jockstrap!"
Brad looked back and chuckled. "Well well, looks like the shrimp brought a fat-ass gremlin with him" You almost squealed with joy as you realized who Jack brought with him. You had been a fan of Rico for a while now, and were the one to convince Jack to get his mom to allow him to stay in the manor with your family after things started getting rough for him. (admittedly, you also had something of a crush on
"-tt- You didn't tell me it was this jerk. Don't worry, though. This loser's not gonna be any trouble for me", Rico snapped before he looked back at Jack, who was cowering behind him. "Just remember, you owe me for this."
"Y-yeah, I got it", Jack stammered. He was scared of what Rico had planned for him, and Mary as well. But he didn't have much choice. Getting Trish to help would definitely end in disaster, the demons refused to mess up anyone else's fun or help a 'goodie-goodie', and your own mother was going to be unable to help, too. If he was more patient, he could possibly find someone else to help, but Jack wanted to save you as soon as possible. "Just help Mary!"
"Yeah, yeah, I got it", Rico sighed. "Look, jockstrap, I'm gonna give you a chance to give up this loser's little girlfriend before I show you the food chain around here."
You yelped as you suddenly bounced around inside Brad's gut while the jock laughed. "Haha! Already know it, shortstack! Big fish eats the little fish! Now run along, you overhyped runt, or you're gonna be joining the little lady here."
Rico suddenly got an angry look on his face. "What'd you just call me?!"
"You heard me! Now why don't you and your little friends run on home or you're gonna be joining this little brat!", Brad laughed as he gave his gut a nice slap, making you yelp as his hand struck where your bottom was.
"Oh, you fucked up, jockstrap..." Rico scowled as he stomped over to Brad... and began to grow! With each step, the shortstacked teen's height increased until he was twice the size of the jock, and his clothes ripped off, leaving him completely nude! " fucked up big time..."
The formerly cocky musclehead gulped, falling on his rear and crawled away. "Wh-what the fuck!"
"It's like you said, loser! Big fish eats the little fish! Now stay there, little fishy..." Rico turned around and plopped down on the jock, smothering him in the vast, squishy brown assflesh! As the giant teen boy sat, you also felt yourself being compressed even more by his weight! Brad suddenly began struggling as the booty began to literally engulf him! Rico's flesh began to ooze over him like a sludge, pulling the jock into his already wide behind. "If you're gonna be an ass to me, I might as well make you a permanent part of mine!"
"R-Rico!", Jack screamed. "If you absorb him, you're going to absorb Mary, too!"
The shortstacked boi looked down and sighed. "Ugh, fine." Rico began to shrink back down to his normal size, though he now had a very large gut, which quickly began to bulge and wriggle around.
"Y-you better get me out of here, you fucking gremlin!", Brad yelled.
"Sorry, asshole. You're just gonna have to deal with the fact that you got gobbled up by a smaller fish", Rico chuckled as he slapped his gut. Inside the belly, Brad grunted as the corrosive gel began to dissolve him, making quick work of both the jock and you. You sighed in relief that your little Jackie's plan worked... even if you had now been eaten by two boys in one day. Everything soon went silent as you were reduced to nutrients and fat, further padding Rico's already impressive figure.
It would be several hours before you woke up, barely coming too as you heard the crashing of waves against the shore. When you opened your eyes, you saw that you were...