"HAHa nice butt nerd" he heard one girl mock
"He's never going to get a date" said a cheerleader
The boys practically carried Adam towards the flagpole with a massive crowd of students following, not to mention that they were all texting their friends to come to the flagpole. Adam tried to resist, but it was no use they were much stronger than he was.
"Please don't do this, not this!" begged Adam, he had been embarrassed a lot in school, but it had been a while since they had tied him to the flagpole, it looked like that was about to change though
They dragged him all the way outside and stood him up against the flagpole, the crowd continued to grow, John and Josh held Adam while Brian and another guy started to tie him up using duct tape (why they even had duct tape lying around...Adam didn't know), they tied his feet together so even if he got off the pole, he wouldn't be able to escape easily, and then they started tying him to the pole. A couple more guys were lowering the rope on the flagpole, so they could hang Adam's clothes like a flag. The boys were acting quickly in case a teacher came to see what was going on.
Adam was tied to the flagpole naked, feet tied together, a couple hundred students laughing at his ultimate humiliation, and his clothes were flying at the top of the pole above him...at the very top were the tighty whiteys that started this whole thing. John, Josh and Brian admired their handiwork for a moment, before fist bumping each other and walking away, after a few more minutes of mocking and posing for pictures with Adam the other students went to class leaving Adam tied there hoping to be saved by somebody.
"Crap!, this sucks" Adam said to himself, he tried to wiggle to see if he could free, but he couldn't move at all....
Andrew had no choice, but to try to get to the lost and found and find a pair of pants to wear, he hoped nobody would see him, he had never been pantsed before, this wasn't good for his reputation
"Why is he even still wearing tighty whiteys...he should be wearing boxers by now" Andrew asked himself angrily, still mad that his friend got him into this situation. Andrew peeked his head out of the locker room and surveyed the hall, the only people he saw were already past him and heading outside, towards the flagpole. He made his move, pulling his shirt down a little bit he started to run in the direction of the office...and the lost and found he had to get pants and end his predicament. He runs down the hall and it's empty...everyone is going outside, he turns another corner...empty, he turns the last corner and sees the office, and the lost and found, he would have to distract the secretary or she would see him...