Remembering you still carried the scale brush in the bag you had strapped to your waist, you studied Arthurs face then his chest and shoulders for a second. Scars crossed between Scales and some even were wide enough that if the wound was still open you could easily slip inside. But what you were focused on was the gleam of his scales, and while Arthurs scales shone pretty well, you knew from the classes you took that they could be much brighter than they were. Dragons were all about pride and image, and if you could make this godly beast shine in such a way that his skin might as well be his treasure, then that could be your ticket to breath another day. You had to handle this gently however, Arthur could take great offense from you cleaning him despite him stating he takes care of that himself.
"Can I have you roll onto your stomach and let me clean your face my Lord? It seems a long days work guarding our Emperor has cast it with a film of dust." You say in the most humble voice you could muster.
Arthur all but hissed at you and bared his fangs. "In the face of death, you not only command me, but insult me as well? The only reason you aren't a smear on my foot is because I promised you 30 minutes. Think of it as a probationary period, never ask of me for anything! My comfort will never be compromised for your convenience."
Arthur said this as he brought his snout down to you, baring his teeth, hot breath spilling out and damping your clothes. Despite literally being about to shit yourself, you take this opportunity to quickly dash forward and leap upwards towards Arthurs snout, your feet landing on his curled lip and using it as a makeshift trampoline to propel yourself into the air and grabbing onto the soft skin above his upper lip. Tiny pockets and crevices that dragons can barely see in their scaly skin act as handholds as you quickly climb up the few feet and lift yourself onto Arthurs snout. Classes in becoming a Dragon Servant were heavily focused on acrobatics and gymnastics, as keeping your grip on the shoulder of a 200 foot dragon is life or death. You look up to lock eyes with the Goliath Drake, who's eyes meet you with a surprised and astonished expression. They quickly narrow and silver fire broils behind his eyes.
"You just outwitted me and used my own arrogance to accomplish a goal, small of a goal it may be...." Arthur shifted himself on the bed so he was now lying on his back in bed. "You have my attention and an ounce of respect from me human, and also 28 minutes left, show me what you can do."
You nod and instantly use the brush to begin cleaning his snout in an accurate and professional manner, quickly finding out Arthurs scale pattern, and cleaning it in the most efficient way possible. within no time you had already polished up his snout and were rubbing between his eyes. On your test and in training this went much faster because the models and dragons you trained on were normal sized, Arthur had Fifty feet on a normal sized dragon, and he wasn't covered in the curriculum because everyone assumed he wasn't ever going to be a possible master. You pondered this as you cleaned the top of his head and the base of his Ivory horns. Arthur worked with you as you began work on the sides of his face, rotating his head a good bit so you worked on an incline rather than a cliff. Arthur was silent the whole time, but his eye tracked you the whole time, you ignored it for the most part, but the few times you locked with them, they were filled with amusement and interest.
Cleaning became a little harder and slower as you worked down his neck and began working on his chest, as the flesh gave under your pushing and made you spend twice as much time working on each plate. Arthurs gaze still followed you as you wiggled your way into the cleft between his pectorals, this is where you started to find a little neglect on his part. The soft scales within here must be hard to properly clean for a giant like himself, as there was a bit of dryness to the skin in here. Struggling for a second to move your arm behind you in the tight confines of Arthurs cleft you retrieve a bottle of moisturizer from your bag an begin to apply it as you scrub. As you guessed the skin soaked it right up, you kept applying it as you went until you finally squeezed out at the bottom of his pecs and were met with the large expanse that was Arthurs mighty belly. The round muscles of it rising and falling as the Titan breathed slowly, a good sign that you had relaxed him. Breaking from your trance, you turned back to begin work on top of his pectorals. Quickly scaling on top of the left one, you set to work to make the white scales to shine like pearls and marble. You couldn't help but compliment yourself at a job well done so far as a quick glance at Arthurs face and shoulders confirmed that you had made a substantial difference, the black scales shining brighter than the walls of the room.
Your pride deflated fast when the door of the room opened and in walked two red dragon servants hauling a serving table of assorted dishes. They walked to the middle of the room and stopped before turning with their hands clasped in front of them and waited to be commanded by the nude warrior on the bed. One of the dragons spotted you on Arthurs Chest and raised both of his brows and made a strange expression but he didn't say anything. You turned and looked at Arthur, and waited for him to judge you and condemn you to his stomach or bottom of his foot. When you looked at him however he had his head back and eyes closed, a relaxed expression on his face. At you stopping at your work however he opened his eyes and narrowed them at you before turning to do the same at the servants.
"Just leave the food there Gentledrakes, I'll serve myself after my servant finishes up." Arthur says as he waves them off with a lazy hand before closing his eyes again. The servants bow and turn to leave, the one who noticed you before turned as he walked out, wearing a sorrowful expression for you. When the door closed you turned and looked at Arthurs face again, and after a moment he opened his eyes again and narrowed them at you.
"What? Why have you stopped?" He says in a dissatisfied tone.You hesitate before saying.
"Well...dinner is here and that's how long I had, aren't you going to judge me? Eat me? Something along the lines of that?" You say in a guarded tone. The Drake sneered and sat up a little more, obviously agitated now.
"If you're expecting me to say I was wrong or that I lost don't hold your breath, I've just decided to postpone judgement on you. Continue to do well and I'll consider keeping you around. For now continue what you were doing, I'll comply with your commands as long as they are completely for the benefit of me." As Arthur says this your heart skips a beat, not only are you not going to die, but you might be the first human servant to ever serve Arthur Darbel, head of the Emperor Guard and Royal Executioner. You happily continue cleaning, having no problems as you finish his chest, work down his mighty belly, then ask him to flip over and do the ebony expanse of his back.
After cleaning his back however, the tricky part of his lower body comes into play, Your first spot to venture into would be